Hi, my name is Kris and I'm 18 years old. I am from a little country in Northern Europe called Denmark. I have used Linux for about 3-4 years.
At Fedora
I am the danish maintainer of Fedora translation team. And beside the translation I try to help where I can. I am the type of person who always got a lot of projects running, and as something new I want to be a Fedora Ambassador. Beside the stuff I do officially for Fedora I am also trying to make a Fedora guide in Danish - but more about that when the project is in the air!
Contact Information
- Email: lakristho [AT]
- IRC nick: Kristho
- Freenode Channels: #fedora, #fedora-l10n
- GimpNet Channels: #gnome-shell, #gnome-zeitgeist
- Fedora Account: Kristho