Aveek Sen

About Me
I am Aveek, an engineering student, currently pursuing my Graduation in the field of Electronics & Communication at NIT Agartala, India.
I first made headway into Linux in my eighth standard but could't properly do the partitioning. I started using Linux almost an year back when I entered the college. Then I went to NIT Durgapur's Linux fest Mukti & am using the insights gained there for further headway.
We have started our own LUG . The weblink is:http://groups.google.co.in/group/nitalug.
Get In Touch
- aveeksn@gmail.com
- aveek@hotmail.com
IRC: aveek Blog(weblog): http://aveek.wordpress.com/
Channels like #dgplug, #fedora-india, #nitdgplug are my hangouts
Call Me At:
- +919436583985
- +91-651-2530100(home)
Hostel: Room C6, Howrah Hostel, NIT Agartala, Agartala-799055. Tripura India
Residence: "Sens"(Near Aunty Lodge), 14/4A, Purulia Road, P.N.Bose Compound, Ranchi-834001. Jharkhand India
Import Key : [From mit server]
[root@aveek /]# gpg --fingerprint D437DD9A pub 1024D/D437DD9A 2009-06-26 Key fingerprint = 9EC1 559C 0744 029B 01B4 B942 707B 3D0D D437 DD9A uid Aveek Sen <aveeksn@gmail.com> sub 2048g/B5A40FF4 2009-06-26
Fedora Account: aveeksen
Activities with Fedora
- I try to spread Fedora awareness in my college
- About 4-5 weeks ago, we had a small seminar on GNU/Linux & FOSS. Distributed about 50 Fedora 10 DVDs I got from NIT Durgapur(free media). Picasa link:http://picasaweb.google.com/aveeksn/LUG01?authkey=fZsmUXMB08M&feat=directlink
- I plan to bring Fedora into my home town and surrounding areas by popularizing it among my friends at BIT Mesra & other local colleges
- I also plan to introduce it in my school at Calcutta-St. Paul's Mission
- I want to deploy Fedora in schools and general colleges and provide support so that it can be used in quality education
- We are going to have a mega Linux fest at our college on 18-19 July. It will consist of an install fest, talks & workshops. Shakthi Kannan(mbuf) is giving a presentaion on FEL & organising the FAD. For details please see the Fedora events page & our LUG's Google group. The link is given above.
- Also visit-https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NITA_FAD_2009 & https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_Party_F11_at_NIT_Agartala for the event details
I am looking forward to an even greater association with Fedora in future.