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Revision as of 13:48, 4 August 2009 by Mspevack (talk | contribs)

This budget rolls up into the quarterly FAmSCo budget, which in turn rolls up into the Community Architecture expenses.

Q2 2010 Budget (June 2009 - August 2009)

Total Allocation ~$8,000

Line Item Expected Cost Allocated Funds Amount Paid Notes
Pens $1275/3000 units $1275 $1275 These are .41 per unit + $45 for shipping
East coast event box $253 $253 $185 Pelican Box ordered by Max, outfited by Ben Williams
Persistent infrastructure $650 dual banners for BIG events
TOTAL $2178

Q2 2010 Budget (June 2009 - August 2009)


  • $1275 -- Fedora pens
  • $785 -- Fedora tattoos
  • $500 -- New Mexico Linuxfest
  • $415 -- Southern California Linux Expo
  • $315 -- Fedora 11 media leftover costs
  • $240 -- Shipping (paid on Max's card, but not yet expensed)
  • $185 -- Event box

Total expenses: $3,805

Q1 2010 Budget (March 2009 - May 2009)

Final budget allocation: $9,000


  • $4760 -- Fedora 11 media
  • $1195 -- Case badges
  • $1000 -- Southeast Linuxfest
  • $895 -- Shipping
  • $890 -- Linuxfest Northwest
  • $35 -- Pizza for LUG

Total expenses: $8,775

Q4 2009 Budget (December 2008 - February 2009)

Final budget allocation: $11,000


  • Fedora 10 media -- $3,260
  • 5000 stickers -- $1,500
  • Tshirts -- $1,305
  • NSF plane ticket -- $905
  • Shipping -- $750
  • Ohio Linux Fest -- $700
  • Buttons -- $700
  • LTSP Hackfest -- $500
  • BarCamp Charlotte -- $250
  • Event box -- $215
  • Release party -- $100
  • Pizza for LUG -- $45

Total expenses: $10,230