This is testing ABRT Actions and Reporters
How to test
Edit config file /etc/abrt/abrt.conf, where you should find lines:
# list of actions and reporters which are activated immediately after a crash # occurs ActionsAndReporters =
If you add here some reporter or action plugin, then it shout be run at crash time. So for example:
ActionsAndReporters = RunApp("ls". "ls-output")
Save output from ls command into the file called ls-output. This file will be used in summary report. Try Reporter plugin Mailx(<subject>) or other...,
Now let's go through second section. There is saved association among analyzers and actions and/or reporter plugins:
[ AnalyzerActionsAndReporters ] # all C/C++ crashers will be reporter via Logger CCpp = Logger # if bind crash. then an email will be send and Logger should be silent CCpp:bind = Mailx("[abrt] Bind crashed") # all kernel crashers will be reporter via Logger Kerneloops = KerneloopsReporter
How to test this: try to change the analyzer - reporter association to smth else and report some crash. it should reported somewhere else (Logger logs to /var/log/abrt-logger, mailx sends email to the configured email address)
Expected Results
As expected! <FIXME: reformat this page well??>