This page contains the highest-level talking points for the Fedora 12 release. When adding to this page, consider points that have a wide appeal, and consider whether or not there is a "bigger picture" that needs to be described. In some cases, a feature is part of a multi-release arc of work, and that context can be useful to provide.
For desktop users and everyone
List 2-4 bullet items here for innovations in Fedora 12 that will be of general interest to most people using F12. The best talking points are differentiators between F12 and other distributions -- newer software, specific improvements, or cases where Fedora contributors either are, or work directly with, the upstream project(s).
PackageKit command-line and browser plugins
Browser plugin feature, Command plugin feature
PackageKit is a technology that was first introduced in Fedora 9 to provide a set of distribution-neutral software management tools. It has since been included in a number of other distributions and is growing quickly in popularity due to its flexibility and quick feature integration. In Fedora 12, PackageKit has grown the ability to automatically install the software packages that provide new commands when the user is operating a text terminal. It also now supports a browser plugin that allows software vendors of any size to provide automatic installation of software packages using simple HTML <object> tags.
NetworkManager enhancements
System connections feature, Mobile broadband feature
| NetworkManager, which was introduced in Fedora 7, has become the de facto network configuration solution for distributions everywhere. Fedora 12 includes enhancements to NetworkManager to make both system-wide connections and mobile broadband connections easier than ever. Signal strength and network selection are available for choosing the best mobile broadband connection when you're on the road. And if you're at a system that requires an always-on connection or static addressing, NetworkManager will now allow you to configure that connection directly from the desktop, and includes PolicyKit integration so configuration management can be done via central policy where needed.
Ogg Thusnelda (next-gen video codec)
For administrators
This area is for 1-3 bullets that concern innovations that help make system administrators' lives better.
- libguestfs
- lots of KVM/virt improvements
- - smaller packages = smaller downloads = less bandwidth
For developers
This area is for 1-3 bullets that discuss innovations that make Fedora a great platform for software developers.
- SystemTap Eclipse integration and tracing improvements
- NetBeans, version 6.7.1. The release includes both the NetBeans Platform and the NetBeans IDE.