From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 17:37, 31 August 2009 by Tk009 (talk | contribs) (added agenda item)

Fix Me
The layout and information on this page could be improved and better presented.

Please add items you want to see on the meeting agenda to this list.

If you have an item on the agenda but can not attend the meeting, please coordinate with someone that will be attending.

Meeting reminders are sent out on Monday mornings, so please add items to this list before then if you would like them to be included in that email.

Agenda Request List

IRC Nick Agenda Item and Description
TK009 Improving the Triage Day Event. Discuss way to improve all aspects of the triage day event.
My IRC Nick Describe the agenda item to add. Full use of Media wiki markup is allowed. Please put actual additions above this one.