1.About Me 2.Contact 3.Future Plan 4.Awards&Certifications
About Me
I'm Partheeban Palanisamy. I'm currently pusuing my Final Year B.Tech in Information Technology in SASTRA UNIVERSITY
in TamilNadu. I found REDHAT early in 2007 and have stuck with it since, even after trying other distributions and finally be
a great fan of Redhat.I decided to become a contributor just because I have some Technical Knowledge, Which is need to be helpful
to others. It seems that I am ready to help anybody who are having struggle to start opensource tools.I am very interested
Network security for the past one year.My areas of Interest is Linux Admnistration, Router Configuration, Network Security
and configuring Opensource tools.
ph :+91 9994790572
Future Plan
My part in Fedora. My contributions towards Fedora. To teach Redhat related stuffs to people who are interested
in opensource. Want To Join in Redhat as a Redhat Certified Instructor and Redhat Certified Examiner. And As a examiner I want to
teach More Number of things to Redhat Certified Partners. Apart from Redhat, I am planning to start one forum., and try to
clear some linux related doubts as much as possible.
1.RedHat Certified Engineer
2.RedHat Certified Security Specialist Exams:
Ex423, Ex333
To Verify My RedHat Exams
3. Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)