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releng RHEL5 Migration


What is the releng1 to RHEL5 migration?

releng1 is the xen guest that Fedora Release Engineering uses for various tasks related to the day to day release engineering tasks for Fedora.


releng1 used by the following people:

  • JesseKeating
  • LukeMacken
  • BillNottingham


releng1 hosts the following services:

  • bodhi
  • Fedora package signing
  • rawhide creation
  • writing to Fedora's public netapp

Migration Plan

The migration will happen in phases.

Phase 1

  • Creation of releng2 guest
  • Install RHEL5 on releng2 guest
  • Modify and test above services (as best one can) on releng2

Phase 2

  • Shut down releng1
  • Bring up releng2 as releng1 and mount Fedora public netapp as rw
  • Validate services in production environment
  • Monitor closely each service for proper operation

Current Status


  • releng2 created and running

Rawhide Creation

  • rawhide creation service scripts have been modified
  • buildrawhide
  • mash
  • rawhide creation scripts partially tested
  • chroot creation
  • additional packages installed into chroot

Package Signing

  • package signing scripts modified
  • package signing verified


Various notes about the setup, to be documented elsewhere for SOPs perhaps

Rawhide Creation

  • The createrepo calling scripts should pass the --unique-md-filenames option, which will change the repodata to have names like "de6f00e3dd09cfb297da614f6b5dffb60d61f3e7-primary.xml.gz" instead of just "primary.xml.gz". This makes HTTP (esp. proxies) happier. Note that YUM before 3.2.14 did not deal well with this, so this can't be turned on in anything earlier than Fedora 9.

Package Signing

  • Scripts come from git:// git repo, under scripts/
  • Required koji certs put in place for the person doing the signing/importing
  • Requires a ~/.rpmmacros setup:
%_signature gpg
%_gpg_path ~/.gnupg
%_gpgbin /usr/bin/gpg
  • Requires ~/.gnupg setup with the Fedora keys imported.
  • Requires /srv/releng/signing path created, /srv/releng should have releng group ownership and group write, sticky group permissions