Your Name and Surname
Some words about you.
- Email:
- IRC: Your freenode IRC name and channels you hang out (eg. #fedora-docs, etc.)
- GPG key: Your key ID and/or signature
- Fedora Account: Your username on the Fedora Account System
Activities within Fedora
- Some words about your involvement in Fedora, your plans, ideas, etc.
- For example, if you are into translations, the languages you are working on; if you are into docs, the docs you are interested in, etc.
I'm AFAHOUNKO and i'm living in TOGO (AFRICA).
My first experience with GNU/LINUX were RedHat 6.2. I've followed the progression to the next versions of RedHat. Now we have Fedora Project and RedHat Enterprise Linux. I'm system administrator and IT consultant. I've installed and maintained many servers running RedHat/Fedora.
I'm current RHCE (Red Hat Certified Engineer) and i plan to be a RHCA (Red Hat Certified Architect) this year !
I have also good skills in programming, PERL, PHP...
- Email: afahounko AT gmail DOT com
- GPG key: 20FEEFE2
- Fedora Account: dafahounko