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Revision as of 06:10, 5 December 2009 by Rashadul (talk | contribs)


In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project, including general announcements[1], development announcements[2] and Events[3].

Contributing Writer: Pascal Calarco


The Fedora Board, FESCO and FAMSCO Election are scheduled to start at 0000 UTC on 5th December 2009 and run until 2359 UTC on 15th December 2009.

Fedora Board, FESCo & FAmSCo Elections - Voting Information

Nigel Jones, Fedora Election Admin, announced that the elections for the Fedora Board, Fedora Engineering Steering Committee (FESCo) and the Fedora Ambassadors Steering Committee have been created and are due to start at 0000 UTC on 5th December 2009 and are scheduled to run until 2359 UTC on 15th December 2009.[1]. He also mentioned:

“All groups have chosen to use the Range Voting method [2]

Ballots may be cast on the Fedora Elections System at [3]. If this is the first time you've used the voting system, please refer to the Fedora Elections Guide, currently located at [4].

  • Please Note

There will be a Fedora Infrastructure outage during the voting period that may effect the voting application, as a result we have brought the voting start date forward to the 5th December instead of the 8th December.

As announced by Paul Frields in the event of extended outage, we will as appropriate extend the voting period.

We have also implemented a new feature in our voting software, so users can verify their votes. Vote verification can be done at: [5] You will be prompted for your Fedora Account System username and password and a list of elections where votes have been recorded will be listed.

For more information please refer to: Fedora Infrastructure Outage Information: [6] [7]

Contingency plans in case of extended outage: Cite error: Closing </ref> missing for <ref> tag.

The candidates for this election, in alphabetical order are:

  • Chris Tyler (ctyler)
  • Colin Walters (walters)
  • Matt Domsch (mdomsch)
  • Steven M. Parrish (SMParrish)

To vote, you must have a signed Contributor License Agreement (CLA).

Vote Here: [8]

Town Hall Logs: [9] [10]

Fedora Engineering Steering Committee Election:

For this election, FESCo will be electing four candidates to sit on the committee.

Vacating the seats on FESCo this election are Jon Stanley, Dan Horák, Jarod Wilson, and David Woodhouse.

The candidates for this election, in alphabetical order are:

  • Adam Jackson (ajax)
  • Christoph Wickert (cwickert)
  • Justin M. Forbes (jforbes)
  • Matthew Garrett (mjg59)
  • Peter Jones (pjones)
  • Richard June (rjune)
  • Robert Scheck (rsc)

To vote, you must have a signed Contributor License Agreement (CLA) and be a member of another Fedora group.

Vote Here: [11]

Town Hall Logs:


Fedora Ambassadors Steering Committee Election:

This election FAmSCo will be electing all 7 seats on the committee.

These seats were previously held by Max Spevack, Joerg Simon, Francesco Ugolini, Thomas Canniot, Rodrigo Padula, David Nalley and Susmit Shannigrahi.

The candidates for this election, in no particular order are:

  • David Nalley
  • Jean-Francois Saucier
  • Joerg Simon
  • Luca Foppiano
  • Maria Gracia Leandro
  • Max Spevack
  • Robert Scheck
  • Rodrigo Padula de Oliveira
  • Sandro Mathys
  • Scott Seiersen
  • Shakthi Kannan
  • Susmit Shannigrahi

To vote, you must be a member of the ambassadors group in the Fedora Account System.

Vote Here: [14]

Townhall Log: [15] [16]

I'd also like to point out the following from Paul Frields' announcement for the June 2008 Board Election:

"I'd like everyone voting to remember that this isn't a popularity contest, or a reward system. Think about how you'd like to Board to look when you vote, the same way you think about how you'd like any government body to look when you cast votes for their elections. We have a lot of worthy candidates on this list, and you should pick the ones that you feel will best represent you in advancing the Fedora Project.

This is one of numerous ways in which our community makes decisions about the leadership of Fedora. Your vote counts, and I hope you take advantage of it."

This advice is still valid, not just for the Fedora Board election but for all three elections.

Thanks also go to John Rose and other volunteers who have helped with organising and running Town Hall meetings for these elections.”


Fedora 12 LXDE Spin available for download

Christoph Wicker announced [1], “Fedora 12 LXDE Spin available for download [2]. While apologizing for the delay and thanked everybody for patience, Christoph thanked a big thank to Jesse for supporting him.

Reminder: Fedora Board IRC meeting 1700 UTC 2009-12-03

Fedora Project Leader, Paul W. Frields, announced,[1] “The Board is holding its monthly public meeting on Thursday, December 3, 2009, at 1700 UTC[1] on IRC Freenode.” Paul also briefed, “For this meeting, the public is invited to do the following:

  • Join #fedora-board-meeting to see the Board's conversation.
  • Join #fedora-board-questions to discuss topics and post
 questions. This channel is read/write for everyone.

The moderator will voice people from the queue, one at a time, in the

  1. fedora-board-meeting channel. We'll limit time per voice as needed

to give everyone in the queue a chance to be heard. The Board may reserve some time at the top of the hour to cover any agenda items as appropriate. We look forward to seeing you at the meeting!”


Upcoming multi-day outage

Mike McGrath briefed,[1] “Starting on December 12th The Fedora Project will start to move several servers, disk trays and related hardware from our current hosting location to another. This move is planned to be completed on December 15th and will ultimately provide better hosting facilities and room for growth.” While mentioning the reason, he said, “Since the servers will physically be loaded onto a truck and moved, this means lots of services people rely on will be down. We'll be working hard and using whatever tricks we have at our disposal to keep things as normal as possible, for example [2] will remain up (which includes the mechanism yum uses to get its mirror list).

Some critical services like the buildsystem will be completely unavailable for 48 hours or longer. I'll be sending another update out as the day gets closer to remind everyone. Also this is the official ticket we're tracking with for those who care to watch it:[3]

Please do stop by #fedora-admin on or comment in the ticket with any questions or concerns you have.”


Fedora events are the source of marketing, learning and meeting all the fellow community people around you. So, please mark your agenda with the following events to consider attending or volunteering near you!

Upcoming Events

  • North America (NA)[1]
  • Central & South America (LATAM) [2]
  • Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA)[3]
  • India, Asia, Australia (India/APJ)[4]

Past Events

Archive of Past Fedora Events[1]