From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 16:15, 6 December 2009 by Pcalarco (talk | contribs)

Zikula currently has a News module but we would like to implement PageMaster[1], which will generate a lot of the code needed to develop and implement a publications workflow.

Dale Bewley has documented[2] some of our initial discussions and thoughts.

Based on this, let's iterate over the proposed workflow:

1) Define beat writer and editor roles in Zikula

  • Zikula will be integrated with FAS, so the base level authorization will be as writers;
  • editors and site admin roles can promote writers to editors;
  • beat writers should be able to:
  • open a new article and mark up appropriately with an integrated WYSIWYG editor (using xinhua)
  • apply appropriate categories for their beat, to associate it both with a specific FWN issue (for aggregation), as well as to flag it with their beat (also for aggregation)
  • submit their article unpublished for editorial review
  • editors should be able to:
  • see a 'to do' list of the unpublished submitted articles in their categories, and be able to edit these
  • publish the edited articles for publication onto Fedora Insight
