Zikula currently has a News module but we would like to implement PageMaster[1], which will generate a lot of the code needed to develop and implement a publications workflow.
Dale Bewley has documented[2] some of our initial discussions and thoughts.
Based on this, let's iterate over the proposed workflow:
1) Define beat writer and editor roles in Zikula
- Zikula will be integrated with FAS, so the base level authorization will be as writers;
- editors and site admin roles can promote writers to editors;
- beat writers should be able to:
- open a new article and mark up appropriately with an integrated WYSIWYG editor (using xinhua)
- apply appropriate categories for their beat, to associate it both with a specific FWN issue (for aggregation), as well as to flag it with their beat (also for aggregation)
- submit their article unpublished for editorial review
- editors should be able to:
- see a 'to do' list of the unpublished submitted articles in their categories, and be able to edit these
- publish the edited articles for publication onto Fedora Insight
2) Define publications types:
Fedora Insight will have the following publication types:
- Fedora Weekly News
- interviews
- podcasts
- Fedora TV episodes
3) Defining Categories and Tags controlled list for content
4) Workflow for submitting news items:
1) beat writers write up their beats as one posting in Fedora Insight, and assign it the appropriate news category that is equivalent to the beat they are writing. I added all of the current active beats to this as categories within the "news" module in Zikula on publictest6.
Beat writers would complete their beats and leave these as unpublished for the editors to check over and then publish. This is a simple option in Zikula's editing and posting options when you are editing an item. Separating these into categories also allows subscribers some more granularity in subscribing at the beat level within FWN with the RSS functionality, should they wish.