Renich Bon Ciric
I'm a bit crazy and out of the ordinary. I've been using Fedora since Fedora Core 1. I like the Fedoran Community very much since it's well organized and very functional. I resonate, very much, with Fedora's Philosophy; embraced in:
I see the FOSS community as a social movement without precedent; I am overwhelmed by how much, the Community's conduct, has changed my view of things and my behavior in the "real world". I'm a proud Fedoran and FOSS user.
I also have my Creative Commons band: introbella.
- Email: renich AT fedoraproject DOT org
- IRC: Renich @ Freenode #fedora
- GPG key: E60301E7
- Fedora Account: renich
- Websites: Woralelandia, introbella & Borderless
- Blog: Renich's Blog
- Location: Guadalajara, Jalisco, México
- Time zone: GMT -06:00
- Languages: Spanish, English, Serbian (little)
- CC Band : introbella
Activities within Fedora
I, sometimes, join the #fedora channel; on Freenode, to help out. I do different activities like maintain the Unofficial Fedora Search, promote Fedora on small businesses, schools and within my family and friends, attend to LinuxCabal meetings and help out with different things there like: tech talks, fund raising, event organization, etc.
I also report bugs now and then and am trying to become a maintainer of a few packages.
Area of Interest
- Music
- PHP programming
- Systems Administration
- Security
- Development