From Fedora Project Wiki
Fedora Ambassadors Meeting Minutes 2010-2-2 - North America
Meeting Time
( 2010-2-2 21:00 Eastern )
- #fedora-meeting on freenode
This week's Ambassadors Meeting will be lead by Ben Williams.
- The participants can be extracted from the logs by anyone who really wants to see them.
Meeting Protocol
- Please follow Meeting Protocol
- Announcements
- Events
- RPI Event
- Shmoocon
- SCaLE (unless vwbusguy wants to talk about it earlier, lcafiero would like this to be pushed back to last to address it later in the meeting)
- Texas Linux Fest
- Fedora Ambassador Day Proposal
- Budget Review
- FAmSCo Budget
- Window Clings (in stock)
- 3" Logo Stickers (ordered 3000)
- t-shirts (quote pending)
- Unfinished Business
- Event Box for CA
- Open floor
Transcript can be found here:
Summary is available here:
Next Meeting
- See Ambassadors Meetings for the next meeting date and time.