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Revision as of 09:16, 24 February 2010 by Rhe (talk | contribs)


This test case tests whether langpack can take effect in PackageKit.

How to test

  1. On a Fedora 12 or later system, check if your system has yum-langpacks plugin installed by executing:
    rpm -q yum-langpacks
    • If the package is not installed, download from koji and install it:
      rpm -ivh yum-langpacks-0.1.4-2.fc13.noarch.rpm
  2. Open Add/Remove Software application either by gpk-application or from desktop menus: System->Administration->Add/Remove Software.
  3. Install several packages such as kde-desktop, koffice or eclipse etc and check if current language packale of installed application is searched and installed automatically.
  4. Logout. In GDM, before entering password, change desktop language to another and login again.
  5. Onstalling or updating several packages again using Add/Remove Software GUI.

Expected Results

    • In Add/Remove Software, when select the package and click Apply, current locale langpack should be in the list as a package candidate for installation.
  1. After the package/group package installed, its current locale langpack should be installed automatically.