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Revision as of 20:23, 26 February 2010 by Mchua (talk | contribs)

This page is part of the instructions on joining the Fedora marketing project. Please see that page for an overview of where this fits into the process.

We're trying a different format for our "introduce yourself to the Marketing team!" emails after seeing a nifty article on how mad-libs style forms are friendlier to newcomers. Tell us what you think!

Part of joining the Marketing team is introducing yourself to the Marketing mailing list. This will give people a chance to get to know you and help you get started.

A template to help you write your introduction email is below. Feel free to write your own email if this template doesn't meet your needs - basically, we are looking to learn:

  • Your name
  • Your FAS account username
  • Your background/skills
  • What you're interested in doing within Fedora Marketing
  • How we can help you get started

Introduction template

Usage instructions: Send this email to the marketing list with Subject: "Self-Introduction: Your Name" (replace "Your Name" with your name, of course). Note that you will have to join the list before you can post to the list.

Hi, my name is _________________ and I live in _______________ (location or timezone). My Fedora Account System (FAS) username is __________, and my IRC nick is __________. (OR: I am new to IRC and would like help getting started!)

I learned about the Fedora Marketing team through ___________, and am interested in joining because _________.

This is the first FOSS project I have worked on! (OR: I've worked in open source and/or Free Software in the past. Some of the projects I've worked on, or communities I've been involved with, include: ____________________.)

This is the first Marketing project I have worked on! (OR: I've worked in Marketing in the past. Some of the projects I've worked on, or roles I've had, include: ____________________.)

My skills, which I hope to utilize in Fedora Marketing, include: (Marketing Skills) - _________________________________________ (Other Skills) - _____________________________________________ I'd also like to learn _________________.

When I'm not working on Fedora, I am _________ at ________________. (Studying at this school, working at this company, pursuing this hobby.) A couple of goals I have for the Fedora Project are ____________ and ________________ . I would also like to see _____________________ and _______________ happen in Fedora. I am wondering about ________________.

(And then put anything else you'd like to talk about here!)

Please help me get started!