From Fedora Project Wiki
Subject: Let me introduce myself
* Name: Oleh * Location: Kiev, Ukraine * Login: fdjgjkfng * What I would like to doing :I'd like to contribute Fedora Project in documentation translation, maybe programs * Experience: -I first met linux about 3 yrs. ago. I think it's perfectly. -Web-sites localization, operating systems documentation translation * Skill:I'm not a newbie. But I'm using Linux a lot of time * Other Skills: Work with Gimp,communication with people,desire to work, Internet Surfing, etc. * GPG KEYID 773D11E0
[Oleh@localhost ~]$ gpg --fingerprint 773D11E0 pub 2048R/9ACD1710 2010-03-03 Отпечаток ключа = 52BF E562 A312 32FE D0A5 B4A9 90FC 245F 9ACD 1710 uid Oleh_Panasenko <> sub 2048R/773D11E0 2010-03-03