Personal Info
Name: Paul W. Frields
Location/Timezone: US-Eastern
Active Member of Fedora for: 6.5 years
Fedora Interests: Marketing, packaging, docs, translation, web
Hours per week promised: 2-4
Programming Languages: bash, some Python
Certifications: RHCE (RHL 7.1, RHEL 3, RHEL 5)
How long using Fedora: since inception
How long using Linux: since 1997
Do you have a full time job working on or with Linux: yes
Do you have a full time job doing development: no
Technology Specialties: DocBook XML, some wiki, some PyGTK
Other notable experiences and skills: Kid wrangling
Current Access
What access do you currently have in Fedora? packager,, sysadmin{,-tools}
What personal resources do you have that could be of use? Decent bandwidth (10-12 Mbps down/2 Mbps up); powerful workstation (dual-processor quad-core i7) with excellent virt support; some pull with management :-)