During the Marketing FAD 2010 we explored how the need of a press kit will shape into reality. One goal was to produce a document easy to update and with the lowest work burden. Having modules allow us to update what it is needed, re-shape it for special needs, and also add or remove modules as required.
Below are sections that we're writing for the (new! modular!) press kit.
- Python in Fedora 13 -- an in-depth feature profile more than a press kit module, right now.
- Statistics for Fedora 13
- Fedora Insight PR
- About Fedora 13
- Security Spin
- Design Suite
Further notes on who was assigned to what during the FAD:
- "About F13" blurb (Neville)
- 4 F's (Robyn)
- Pymodule (Max)
- Stats (Mel)
- Background of fedora (Ryan and Ben)
- Design spin (David)
- Security spin (Henrik )
- USB key stuff (Russell)