From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 07:15, 23 March 2010 by Robert (talk | contribs) (Updated release notes to mention the wiki URL)



The Zarafa Open Source Collaboration gets part as RPM packages of the Fedora distribution. Zarafa Outlook Sharing is a Microsoft Exchange replacement.


Current status

  • Targeted release: Fedora 13
  • Last updated: 2010-03-19
  • Percentage of completion: 100%

Detailed Description

Zarafa Outlook Sharing is a Microsoft Exchange replacement. The Open Source Collaboration provides an integration with your existing Linux mail server, native mobile phone support by ActiveSync compatiblity and a webaccess with 'Look & Feel' similar to Outlook using Ajax. Including an IMAP4 and a POP3 gateway as well as an iCal/CalDAV gateway, Zarafa can combine the usability with the stability and flexibility of a Linux server. The proven Zarafa groupware solution is using MAPI objects, provides a MAPI client library as well as programming interfaces for C++, PHP and Perl.

Benefit to Fedora

Fedora users get the chance to easily install a fully featured and stable groupware solution including a Outlook-like web interface alternatively to the available POP3/IMAP/iCal/CalDav connectors. And as far as I can see, Zarafa seems to be the first groupware and/or collaboration in the whole Fedora Collection; that's why I would call these new packages a feature.


Everything is done, the "zarafa" and "zarafa-webaccess" packages are tagged in dist-f13.

How To Test

No special testing except the regular package testing required. A very simple and basic installation and usage test below:

  • yum install zarafa zarafa-webaccess
  • Configure MySQL in /etc/zarafa/server.cfg
  • service zarafa-server start
  • service zarafa-gateway start
  • service zarafa-spooler start
  • zarafa-admin -s
  • zarafa-admin -c tux -e tux@localhost -f "Zarafa Tester" -p MyPassword
  • service httpd restart
  • Go to http://localhost/webaccess and login with "tux" and "MyPassword"
  • Create calendar entries, contacts or write an e-mail

Note that the delivery of e-mails into Zarafa requires the usage of zarafa-dagent either via local mailer (e.g. .forward or .procmailrc) or via LMTP with the zarafa-dagent initscript (needs to be configured in /etc/zarafa/*.cfg before). Simple test for this is to take a regular RFC 822 e-mail or a regular mbox and "cat mbox | zarafa-dagent -j tux" (you either need to be root for this or $USER needs to equal "tux").

User Experience

See the detailed description above.


No new dependencies.

Contingency Plan

Just don't ship it :)


Release Notes

Fedora ships the Zarafa Open Source Collaboration: It provides an integration with existing Linux mail servers and a webaccess with 'Look & Feel' similar to Outlook using Ajax. Including an IMAP4 and a POP3 gateway as well as an iCal/CalDAV gateway, Zarafa can combine the usability with the stability and flexibility of a Linux server. More information can be found at

Comments and Discussion