From Fedora Project Wiki

About you

  1. My name is Gregory Meyers
  2. My email address is
  3. My wiki username is Crimsonshadow
  4. My IRC nickname is Gregory1
  5. My primary language English
  6. I live in England. Although my schedule changes from time to time, I prefer to work late evening onwards(6+) as i have no problems with working late into the night.
  7. I have not participated in an open-source project before, although I enjoy creating something new while gaining knowledge and experience. I hope I can learn while contributing to something good.

About your project

What is the name of your project? Cryptographic-Hash-Algorithm-Secured Mirroring solution (C.H.A.S.M.)

Does your project come from an idea on the Summer Coding 2010 ideas page?

CHASM, the Cryptographic-Hash-Algorithm-Secured Mirroring solution, is a project that is to help alleviate a lot of the pains that mirrors have in organizing and verifying their content. The project can be thought of as a stateful rsync daemon in some respects, and solves a problem that and a number of other large mirroring infrastructures have been looking into for several years now. This is ultimately a project that will be used by a greater portion of the larger mirroring infrastructures and as such has a lot of need for high performance and good design.
This is a project to help get CHASM to a usable and production quality state, it is currently in the middle of a rewrite into C++ for performance reasons and there are still several aspects that may need to be flushed out.

What is the timeline for development of your project? Im currently writing it up

My main programming languages are C, C++ and Java. Although I don't have tones experience in Systems Development (as I specialize in A.I.), here are some projects iv created that are relevant to Systems Development.

In C I have created an instant text messaging program that uses multi-packet peer-to-peer relay across a LAN only using the old RS232 COM port. The program used the "super-loop" structure to allow non-blocking I/O from the multiple COM ports and user input.
The second most relevant project I have created would be a secure peer-to-peer data transfer system entirely out of ASM86(intel x86 assembly). The program used Substitution Encryption followed by an XOR Cypher Key witch was then followed by Bit Rotation Encryption(I know that's a bit over the top but it was fun to do).

Im a very fast learner and if need be I will spend many hours a day learning anything im behind on.

You and the community

If your project is successfully completed, what will its impact be on the Fedora community?

What will you do if you get stuck on your project and your mentor isn't around? This is not likely as the project has two mentors, however, I would use any and all resources available to me to solve the problem.

In addition to the required blogging minimum of twice per week, how do you propose to keep the community informed of your progress and any problems or questions you might have over the course of the project? Twitter and more Blogging


  1. We want to make sure that you are prepared before the project starts
    • Can you set up an appropriate development environment? yes
    • Have you met your proposed mentor and members of the associated community? yes
  2. What is your t-shirt size?

UK Large

Note: you will post this application on the wiki in the category Category:Summer Coding 2010 applications. We encourage you to browse this category and comment on the talk page of other applications. Also, others' comments and your responses on the talk page of your own application are viewed favorably, and, while we don't like repetitive spam, we welcome honest questions and discussion of your project idea on the mailing list and/or IRC.

The NeL project has some good general recommendations for writing proposals. We encourage Summer Coding code to include tests.


Use the Talk:Summer Coding 2010 student proposal application to actually make comment, which then appear here on the main proposal page. You can use this link to make a new comment].

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