From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 23:46, 11 June 2010 by Sparks (talk | contribs) (Further expansion of the path to joining.)

This page needs some love
This page should be revised or reconstructed to be more helpful. Problems may include being out of step with current team or project status or process.

The mission of Fedora's Documentation Project is to improve the overall experience of Fedora users and contributors by providing documentation. We explain how to use certain software and systems, provide written accounts of special events (like releases), and recommend settings for software and systems (in terms of security, performance, and other concerns). In pursuing this work, the Docs Project creates and uses only free and open-source software, content, tools, and processes, so our documentation is reusable, modifiable, and rebuildable by anyone, for free, forever.

Wiki - edit the wiki

Guides - operation of the distro

Web publishing


I don't know...


  • Things to do (in no particular order)
    • Join list and introduce yourself
      • This is the primary forum used for discussions within the Docs Project. We use it for everything, from developing new ideas to refining old ones. By subscribing to this list you're sure to stay current on the events within the Docs Project!
    • FAS and CLA/FPCA
      • FAS is the accounts management system within Fedora. It manages access to the wiki as well as other systems. When you sign-up for your FAS account you will be asked to accept the Contributor License Agreement.
    • Come to meeting
  • What next? --> (another page)


Sorry you didn't find any tasks of interest here... if you are still interested in contributing to Fedora check out our join page.