From Fedora Project Wiki
This page is a draft only
It is still under construction and content may change. Do not rely on the information on this page.

Начиная с версии Publican 2.0, возможна автоматизированная публикация документов на сайте Fedora.


Чтобы получить доступ к функциям публикации документов, необходимо:

  • вступить в группу docs-publishers;
  • создать локальную копию книги, загрузив ее из GIT или SVN.


На сегодняшний день (июль 2010г.) известно о проблеме Publican, не позволяющей публиковать документы, если язык системы отличается от en-US. Если используется другой язык, перезапустите сеанс, выбрав en-US в качестве языка интерфейса.

  1. Создайте локальную копию репозитория git сайта
    git clone ssh://

    Где USERNAME -- имя пользователя FAS.

    Большой объем загрузки
    Загрузка всех файлов может занять некоторое время даже при наличии быстрого соединения.
  2. Change into the directory into which you downloaded the web.git repo, and make a copy of homepage.tmp named homepage.cfg:
    cp homepage.tmp homepage.cfg
  3. Edit the homepage.cfg file to provide the absolute paths to the fedoradocs.db file and the public_html directory. For example, if you downloaded the web.git repo to the fedoradocs subdirectory of your home directory, your homepage.cfg file might look like:
    # Config::Simple 4.59
    # Tue May 11 13:53:03 2010
    db_file: /home/jsmith/fedoradocs/web/fedoradocs.db
    toc_path: /home/jsmith/fedoradocs/web/public_html
  4. Make sure you have the latest version of Publican and the Fedora brand package. As root, run:
    yum update publican publican-fedora

Публикация документа

Publican now controls the directory structure and the SQLite database that manages the site and its tables of contents. Do not add or remove directories from the directory tree manually as we did in the past.
If you are publishing draft documentation, be sure to follow the instructions described at Publishing draft documentation first.
  1. Обновите локальную копию
    git pull
  2. Change to the directory where you keep a checked-out copy of the document that you want to publish, then run:
    publican build --embedtoc --publish --formats epub,html,html-single,pdf --langs LANGUAGE_CODES
    where LANGUAGE_CODES is a comma-separated list of the languages in which you want to publish this document.
  3. Перейдите в каталог publish и проверьте подкаталоги документов. В частности, убедитесь, что:
    • в качестве продукта указана Fedora (обратите внимание на заглавную букву);
    • версия верна;
    • название документа верно. Обратите внимание на заглавные буквы и пробелы. Так, например, Foo Guide не эквивалентно foo-guide
  4. Install the book to the Fedora website:
    publican install_book --site_config PATH_TO_SITE_CONFIG_FILE --lang LANGUAGE_CODE
    where PATH_TO_SITE_CONFIG_FILE is the path to the homepage.cfg file in your local copy of the website, and LANGUAGE_CODE is the language in which you are publishing the document. Note that you can only run publican install_book for one language at a time.
  5. Change to the directory in which you keep your local copy of the site and run:
    git add .
    git push

Удаление документа

Для удаления документа из списка опубликованных для русского языка выполните следующее:

  1. Update your copy of the website. In the directory where you keep your local copy of the site, run:
    git pull
  2. Change to the directory where you keep a checked-out copy of the document that you want to remove, then run:
    publican remove_book --site_config PATH_TO_SITE_CONFIG_FILE --lang LANGUAGE_CODE
    where PATH_TO_SITE_CONFIG_FILE is the path to the homepage.cfg file in your local copy of the website, and LANGUAGE_CODE is the language in which you are removing the document. Note that you can only run publican remove_book for one language at a time.
  3. Перейдите в локальный каталог документа и выполните:
    git add .
    git push
  4. Publican can only remove the local files and directories on your system, not their record in Git. To remove the deleted files from your local Git repo, run:
    for f in $(git ls-files --deleted); do git rm $f; done 

    Then push these changes to the remote repo:

    git commit -m"rm unused files"
    git push
    A "git rm" command gone wrong can cause widespread damage to the documentation site. If you are not absolutely sure of what you are doing, ask for help.

Обновление документа

To update a document previously published in a particular language for a particular version of Fedora, change into the directory in which you keep a checked-out copy of the document, then run publican install_book, as if you were installing it for the first time. Publican automatically replaces the old version with the new one.