The list of pending CVS requests is kept in Bugzilla.
Requests that require Git administrators approval may be requested through the fedora-cvs flag in Bugzilla tickets as described on this page. To accomplish the tasks described here, you need to be a member of the fedorabugs group.
Changing the fedora-cvs flag to "?" in a Bugzilla report means Git admin attention is needed. They will read your Bugzilla ticket and attempt to take care of your request. In order to make the job faster and easier for the Git admins, please follow the guidelines on this page in order to format your request in a standard way with all required information.
Be sure to use the same bugzilla ticket that you used to get the package approved in the first place, to make your Git request.
New Packages
After your package is approved by the Package Review Process, you may request for a Git module to be created. Please copy this template into the Bugzilla comment of your bug that's been passed for review, and set fedora-cvs flag to ?. If you are newly sponsored member of the Fedora CVS access group you might have to wait a day or two before you will get the permission to set the flag in Bugzilla as the sync is done manually about once a day. After your request is granted, please wait for the next Git sync which occurs every 30 minutes. At that point, your package checkout will contain empty branches for each distro release. Simply add your files to these branches, checkin, push and build.
User Template:
New Package CVS Request ======================= Package Name: Short Description: Owners: Branches: InitialCC:
New Package CVS Request ======================= Package Name: pkgname Short Description: summary of package Owners: foo bar Branches: F-12 F-13 EL-5 EL-6 InitialCC: baz
- Valid branch names currently used for Fedora: F-12 F-13 F-14 EL-4 EL-5 EL-6 OLPC-2 OLPC-3. The master branch is implicit and always created, so you need not list it.
- Owners must be one or more FAS usernames. If you have multiple owners, add secondary owners with a space separated list.
- InitialCC contain FAS usernames that receive mail pertaining to this package, but are not necessarily owners. More than one can be listed separated by spaces.
Pseudo-users for SIGs
The following pseudo-users in packagedb can be used in InitialCC when appropriate, so that bugzilla and commits mails get CC'ed to the relevant mailing-lists and groups can triage their bugs effectively:
username | |
anaconda-maint | |
astronomy-sig | |
ctrl-center-team | |
fonts-sig | |
gecko-maint | |
hams-sig | |
haskell-sig | |
i18n-team | |
kernel-maint | |
lvm-team | |
mono-sig | |
orphan | |
perl-sig | |
retired | |
virtmaint | |
xen-maint | |
xgl-maint | |
Package Change Requests for existing packages
To request:
- additional branches for an existing package
- other special git requests, changes to the description, etc
please use the existing review ticket for requests, even though it may well be CLOSED (please do not reopen it). If a review ticket does not exist or you really cannot find it, then creating a new bug is acceptable. In this case set component to your package name, and version to rawhide.
You can search for the review with replacing %s with the package name.
Please check with the package owner first before requesting a new branch, if you are not the owner.
Please use the following template to state clearly exactly what you want and why it is justified in your Bugzilla comment. Then set the fedora-cvs flag to ?. Note that there is no need to reopen the bug if it is closed; the Git administrators only query on the state of the fedora-cvs flag, and it takes extra time for the Git administrators to look up the original resolution of the bug so that it can be re-closed properly.
Package Change Request ====================== Package Name: New Branches: Owners: InitialCC: [add any required explanatory text here]
The Package Name field is mandatory, and it is recommended to list the Owners. Please only include other fields which need to be changed or updated. In the Owners field list the branch owner and any comaintainers. Please note that when the new branch is created, ownership or CC information will not be copied to the new branch, so be sure to specify in the request all of the owners and initialCC members the new branch should have.
Example, to add EPEL branches:
Package Change Request ====================== Package Name: pkgname New Branches: EL-5 EL-6 Owners: bar foo
If you need other special changes done which cannot be handled by the template field, such as a package that was created with the wrong name that has never been imported or built, or otherwise out of the scope of the template please state your desire and justification below the template in your Bugzilla comment.
Note for current packages that have been renamed upstream, a new package needs to be created for the new package: please make a New Package CVS Request.