Eko Ikhyar
Contact Data
- Website/Blog: (Indonesia)
- E-mail: anakonda (at) kendari (dot) linux (dot) or (dot) id
- PGP: 8E6E7235
- IRC:
- Fedora Account: Ekoikhyar
Mini Bio
I am a graduate of electronics, not too much to know about computers, began to linux at the moment working as a web programmer at one of the base flight safety company, I am required to know the unix operating system at the moment we are using QNX, because at that time I was not familiar with text base OS, so I prefer RedHat RHEL4 my job as a maid, I use it to make aviation safety server (Aeronautical Data Processing Systems).
At this moment I am using fedora and always try anything if fedora distro on launch.
Curiculum Vita
- Location: Jln Sunu, Makassar. 5°7'25"S / 119°25'49"E
- Time Zone: UTC +08:00
- Languages: Indonesian (first language), English (as second language).
- Nacionality: Indonesia
- Higer Education:
- S1 Electronica Engginering - University Hasanuddin, Makassar.