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Revision as of 19:55, 27 September 2010 by Mikeb (talk | contribs)

Koji can be configured to send notifications of events and state changes to a AMQP (qpid) broker. This page explains how to configure Koji to communicate with a message bus and documents the structure and contents of the messages it sends.


Koji message bus integration is implemented via a Koji hub plugin, which registers a callback that is executed when certain events occur on the hub. To install the plugin, install the koji-hub-plugins package on the Koji hub machine. To enable the plugin, edit the Plugins = entry of /etc/koji-hub/hub.conf so it contains messagebus. Make sure the Plugins entry is not commented out.

Configuration of the message bus plugin itself is handled by editing /etc/koji-hub/plugins/messagebus.conf. The [broker] section defines how to connect to the AMQP broker you want to use. auth can be any authentication type supported by the SASL configuration of the broker. If using auth = PLAIN, you must also provide a username and password, and it is highly recommended to set ssl = true. Otherwise you'll be sending your username and password over the network in plain text.