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  • 各项工作的总结和安排:文档的撰写,翻译,打包和审核











23 日上午

[2007-11-23 08:55:05]  =-= Topic for #fedora-cn was set by byuan on Monday, November 19, 2007 12:58:51 PM
[2007-11-23 08:55:05]  *ChanServ* [#fedora-cn]  /charset utf-8 | mIRC 请设置 Font...->UTF-8: "Display and Encode" | Opera 请设置帐户属性->发送->默认编码: utf-8 | 粗野又心虚的老男人,有问题别客气尽管问 | 请向大家介绍自己,并稍候五到十分钟,使大家可以回应你 | 多行信息请贴到 或
[2007-11-23 08:55:05]  =-= Mode #fedora-cn +v byuan  by ChanServ
[2007-11-23 09:12:20]  -->| FelixZ (n=zxf@ has joined #fedora-cn
[2007-11-23 09:12:23]  =-= Mode #fedora-cn +v FelixZ  by ChanServ
[2007-11-23 09:22:46]  -->| yshao (n=yshao@ has joined #fedora-cn
[2007-11-23 09:22:46]  =-= Mode #fedora-cn +v yshao  by ChanServ
[2007-11-23 09:30:13]  -->| Kevin_U2 (n=chatzill@ has joined #fedora-cn
[2007-11-23 09:37:30]  -->| freeflying (n=freeflyi@ has joined #fedora-cn
[2007-11-23 09:56:22]  <byuan> freeflying~ hi
[2007-11-23 09:56:40]  <Kevin_U2> yumex 把所有的包都安装了 yumex 本身有点慢 而且出错要从头开始 其中有2个包依赖有问题suck和qstat 还不能装  还有2个imap 只能装一个 否则会有冲突 uw-imap和cyrus-imapd
[2007-11-23 09:56:47]  <byuan> 北京 北邮多发行版 Install Fest 是什么时候,具体时间?
[2007-11-23 09:58:38]  <byuan> 谁知道 red carp 的邮箱..
[2007-11-23 09:58:46]  <byuan> freeflying~ are you there?
[2007-11-23 10:04:31]  <freeflying> byuan: hi
[2007-11-23 10:05:03]  <byuan> freeflying~ 时间是多会儿?
[2007-11-23 10:05:15]  <byuan> 我要安排刻录光盘
[2007-11-23 10:05:48]  [DCC]  Got DCC File Transfer offer from <code></code>freeflying'' ( of <code></code>installfest.pdf'' (81.4 KiB) [[Accept] [Accept this DCC offer] [dcc-accept b108]   [[Decline] [Decline (refuse) this DCC offer] [dcc-decline b108]  .
[2007-11-23 10:06:05]  <freeflying> byuan: can u get it
[2007-11-23 10:08:22]  [DCC]  Aborted DCC File Transfer of <code></code>installfest.pdf'' from <code></code>freeflying'' (
[2007-11-23 10:08:42]  <byuan> 说啊,我没办法 get it.
[2007-11-23 10:10:17]  <byuan> 文件传不过来
[2007-11-23 10:11:23]  <freeflying> 时间:11 月 24 日
[2007-11-23 10:11:26]  <freeflying> 地点:北京邮电大学教室 3-335
[2007-11-23 10:11:26]  <freeflying> 主办方:北邮人论坛 Linux 版
[2007-11-23 10:11:26]  <freeflying> 协办方:北京邮电大学开源软件协会 BOSS、BLUG
[2007-11-23 10:11:26]  <freeflying> 赞助方:未确定
[2007-11-23 10:11:27]  <freeflying> 支持方:Ubuntu, Mandriva, OpenSuse, OpenSolaris, Fedora
[2007-11-23 10:12:15]  <byuan> 那光盘就是现在发货也运不到了?
[2007-11-23 10:12:40]  <byuan> 上午还是下午?
[2007-11-23 10:12:42]  <freeflying> byuan: 在北京刻吧
[2007-11-23 10:12:49]  <freeflying> 下午
[2007-11-23 10:13:05]  <freeflying> Fedora要是实在没人过去,我帮你们吧
[2007-11-23 10:13:14]  <byuan> 在北京刻?那个 ambassador 还没有搞到 ISO
[2007-11-23 10:13:38]  <byuan> 虽然在校园网搞 ISO 很容易,却又没地方刻录
[2007-11-23 10:15:02]  <freeflying> byuan: 刻录不成问题的,而且我们这刻录应该比较便宜
[2007-11-23 10:16:36]  <freeflying> byuan: 我一次性帮你多刻些吧
[2007-11-23 10:17:00]  <Kevin_U2> 什么交流会?
[2007-11-23 10:17:25]  <Kevin_U2> 有专门外包刻盘的
[2007-11-23 10:19:29]  <byuan> freeflying~ 我给你打 500 块钱,帮我刻 100 张 f8 liveCD (gnome) 和 50 张 f8 i386 DVD,不考虑其他体系了。能找到 ISO 吗? Thanks!
[2007-11-23 10:20:30]  <Kevin_U2> ISO 网上不是能下么。。。 自己用刻录机 要吐血的 。。。
[2007-11-23 10:21:02]  <freeflying> byuan: 我让学生给办吧
[2007-11-23 10:21:16]  <byuan> Kevin_U2~ 当然不是,得去电脑城,人家十台刻录机一起跑
[2007-11-23 10:22:12]  <byuan> freeflying~ 好,明天那位 ambassador,Songlin Li  要是不能到场,还请张罗一下。。。要是他到场了也没有帮手,给他派两个学生吧~~
[2007-11-23 10:22:19]  <Kevin_U2> 要电话么? 真有专门刻盘的还能刷logo  DVD 拿刻录机 。。。150 张
[2007-11-23 10:22:30]  <byuan> Kevin_U2~ 你在北京?
[2007-11-23 10:22:50]  <Kevin_U2> 文
[2007-11-23 10:22:52]  <Kevin_U2> yes
[2007-11-23 10:23:17]  <byuan> Kevin_U2~ 我还以为你在上海。那你不早说话,明天一定要去!缺人手呢。
[2007-11-23 10:23:23]  <byuan> Kevin_U2~ 邮箱?
[2007-11-23 10:23:27]  <freeflying> byuan: speecher怎么办
[2007-11-23 10:23:52]  <freeflying> byuan: 你把iso镜像的url给我
[2007-11-23 10:24:09]  <Kevin_U2> 晕 我都不了解。。。
[2007-11-23 10:24:10]  <byuan> 我发了个邮件,只包含了点提议,不知道 speech 时间有多久?
[2007-11-23 10:24:30]  <Kevin_U2>
[2007-11-23 10:24:33]  <byuan> freeflying~ live CD 有 url, DVD 没有,得找。校园网里应该会有
[2007-11-23 10:24:57]  <freeflying> byuan: 30分钟
[2007-11-23 10:25:23]  <freeflying> byuan: 如果你们没人的话,你给slideshow给我,我帮你讲
[2007-11-23 10:25:29]  <Kevin_U2> DVD 太大 http 看不到的
[2007-11-23 10:26:53]  <byuan> o
[2007-11-23 10:26:59]  <byuan> Kevin_U2~ 你那里有 ISO?
[2007-11-23 10:27:13]  <Kevin_U2> 有阿~
[2007-11-23 10:27:17]  <byuan> Kevin_U2~ 你可以联系刻录?
[2007-11-23 10:27:21]  <Kevin_U2> live 没有 我很少用
[2007-11-23 10:28:16]  <Kevin_U2> 刻过阿
[2007-11-23 10:28:43]  <Kevin_U2> 我打电话问问  明天就用?
[2007-11-23 10:31:06]  <byuan> Kevin_U2~ 你把 ISO 复制给 freeflying?
[2007-11-23 10:31:22]  <byuan> 这样刻录都交给学生们,在一个地方搞
[2007-11-23 10:31:35]  -->| abner ( has joined #fedora-cn
[2007-11-23 10:31:49]  <Kevin_U2> DVD 3块 今天拿去就可以做完 100张 上面可以带log CD 1块5吧
[2007-11-23 10:31:53]  <byuan> freeflying~
[2007-11-23 10:32:24]  <byuan> freeflying~ 怎么样?要么都在你那儿做,要么都交给 Kevin_U2
[2007-11-23 10:32:29]  <Kevin_U2> 我怎么给fly阿?!
[2007-11-23 10:33:08]  <byuan> freeflying~
[2007-11-23 10:33:10]  <freeflying> byuan: 我直接让北邮的组织者去帮忙吧
[2007-11-23 10:33:40]  <Kevin_U2> BT 快点吧 。。。
[2007-11-23 10:33:55]  <byuan> 我也觉得交给学生去做比较好
[2007-11-23 10:34:07]  <Kevin_U2> 你们看吧 有需要联系我 我也是找专业的人做
[2007-11-23 10:34:15]  <byuan> freeflying~ 有没有可能让学生们联系 Kevin_U2,复制一份 DVD iso?
[2007-11-23 10:34:27]  <byuan> freeflying~ 然后再去下载 liveCD iso
[2007-11-23 10:34:46]  <byuan> 这样会快一些,如果他们在校园网里找不到的话。
[2007-11-23 10:34:55]  <freeflying> byuan: 可以让他直接联系组织者
[2007-11-23 10:35:33]  <byuan> 他?
[2007-11-23 10:36:15]  <byuan> Kevin_U2~ come on. 愿意这样干,把 ISO 交给学生,还是一切你来负责?
[2007-11-23 10:36:46]  <Kevin_U2> 都可以 我愿意帮忙
[2007-11-23 10:36:56]  <byuan> Kevin_U2~ 你那儿下载 liveCD iso 要多久?
[2007-11-23 10:37:24]  -->| hellwolf (n=hellwolf@ has joined #fedora-cn
[2007-11-23 10:37:26]  =-= Mode #fedora-cn +v hellwolf  by ChanServ
[2007-11-23 10:38:21]  <Kevin_U2> F8 gnome ? 很快吧
[2007-11-23 10:38:51]  >Kevin_U2< 招行帐号,或者什么别的银行有吗?
[2007-11-23 10:39:07]  <Kevin_U2> Fedora-8-Live-i686 ?
[2007-11-23 10:39:31]  <byuan> freeflying~ 把组织者的电话给 Kevin_U2 和 Songlin Li 发一份吧 :D
[2007-11-23 10:39:37]  <byuan> Kevin_U2~ 对
[2007-11-23 10:40:14]  <Kevin_U2> 我开始下了~
[2007-11-23 10:40:25]  <Kevin_U2> BT 还可以
[2007-11-23 10:41:00]  <byuan> Kevin_U2 钱打到你那儿,然后你自己刻录吧,明天要是搬不动的话再找那些学生帮忙~~ :D
[2007-11-23 10:41:25]  <Kevin_U2> 不用打钱了 做好了 再说吧
[2007-11-23 10:42:03]  <Kevin_U2> live 下载不到1个小时
[2007-11-23 10:42:16]  <byuan> 真好。
[2007-11-23 10:42:24]  <Kevin_U2> 100 DVD  50 live ?
[2007-11-23 10:42:34]  <freeflying> byuan: 你让他们直接和联系
[2007-11-23 10:42:48]  <byuan> 没有电话么..
[2007-11-23 10:43:05]  <Kevin_U2> 我的电话?
[2007-11-23 10:43:51]  <byuan> Kevin_U2~ 我的电话可以在 google 上找到 :) 13632746531
[2007-11-23 10:44:43]  <byuan> 那光盘的事情就了结了。 freeflying 不给个电话,明天 Kevin_U2 把光盘搬到哪儿都不知道
[2007-11-23 10:45:32]  <Kevin_U2> 我的 : 13141356655 (不办证 )
[2007-11-23 10:45:39]  <freeflying> byuan:  13811118472 孙廉涛
[2007-11-23 10:45:48]  <byuan> freeflying~ 那个 ambassador 如果来不了, speech 的 ppt 在
[2007-11-23 10:46:06]  <Kevin_U2> 给我个地址我让刻录光盘的人明天送过去
[2007-11-23 10:46:35]  <freeflying> byuan: 好,算我开始 contribute to fedora :P
[2007-11-23 10:48:14]  <freeflying> byuan: there have several, which one you prefer?
[2007-11-23 10:48:17]  <byuan> 昨晚上印了好多 fedora tag。金考快印要 80 块喷印一平米的。 hellwolf~ 想不想要啊?
[2007-11-23 10:48:53]  <Kevin_U2> 有fedora8 适合放在CD 上的图片么?
[2007-11-23 10:48:56]  <hellwolf> byuan, :D 给张特写就好了
[2007-11-23 10:49:28]  <byuan> Kevin_U2~ 有,很多呢。
[2007-11-23 10:49:51]  <Kevin_U2> 给个地址
[2007-11-23 10:50:06]  <Kevin_U2> live 一个 i386 一个 就好了
[2007-11-23 10:51:37]  <byuan> Kevin_U2~
[2007-11-23 10:51:44]  <byuan> 全都是 svg 格式
[2007-11-23 10:52:40]  <byuan> Kevin_U2~ 还有
[2007-11-23 10:54:08]  <Kevin_U2> 没有CD 盒子 。。。
[2007-11-23 10:54:42]  <Kevin_U2> 用第二个链接的了
[2007-11-23 10:56:07]  <byuan> nice! 我没有真的做过,只是在电脑城问过价钱之类
[2007-11-23 10:57:40]  -->| InitX (n=chatzill@ has joined #fedora-cn
[2007-11-23 10:57:58]  <byuan> freeflying~ 还有什么要考虑的?
[2007-11-23 10:58:16]  <InitX> my X still can't working with FontPath section
[2007-11-23 10:58:21]  <byuan> freeflying~ 参与者都是北邮学生吗?
[2007-11-23 10:58:23]  <InitX> :(
[2007-11-23 10:58:24]  <InitX> Yuxans:
[2007-11-23 10:58:30]  <Kevin_U2> 我刻录的可以没有盒子啊
[2007-11-23 10:58:31]  <byuan> InitX~ 为什么要用 fontpath
[2007-11-23 10:58:56]  <InitX> byuan: because i'm not using xfs
[2007-11-23 10:58:59]  <byuan> InitX~ 多少版的 xorg? 新的已经不用 xfs 和 fontpath 了
[2007-11-23 10:59:11]  <freeflying> byuan: 周边的几所学校
[2007-11-23 10:59:19]  <InitX> byuan: :o
[2007-11-23 10:59:21]  <Yuxans> suker mm ?
[2007-11-23 10:59:25]  <InitX> byuan: give me the details
[2007-11-23 10:59:27]  <byuan> freeflying~ 那得有多少人啊
[2007-11-23 10:59:28]  <hellwolf> byuan, 那x core font 怎么配置了?
[2007-11-23 10:59:45]  <freeflying> byuan: 未知 :P
[2007-11-23 10:59:53]  <byuan> InitX~ 是通过在 /etc/X11/ 下面的一个目录,创建链接
[2007-11-23 11:00:03]  <byuan> hellwolf~ 创建特定名称的链接
[2007-11-23 11:00:06]  <InitX> byuan: i use F7 but i forgot what verison of my xorg
[2007-11-23 11:00:14]  <InitX> byuan: which file
[2007-11-23 11:00:15]  <InitX> fs?
[2007-11-23 11:00:18]  <byuan> 包括优先级之类,都用链接
[2007-11-23 11:00:26]  <hellwolf> byuan, 那 f8 下 的 emacs22 怎么配置
[2007-11-23 11:01:08]  <InitX> byuan: when i start X the error message are  could not open font "cursor"
[2007-11-23 11:01:35]  <hellwolf> 谁有 f8 ,来试一下 emacs ?
[2007-11-23 11:01:51]  <byuan> InitX~ 这个 cursor 和 fixed 两种字体都已经嵌入 libXfont 了,不需要任何 xfs/fontpath
[2007-11-23 11:02:13]  <byuan> 所以应该是你的 libXfont 版本不对,或者编译选项有问题
[2007-11-23 11:02:31]  <hellwolf> # du -sh os
[2007-11-23 11:02:31]  <hellwolf> 7.7G    os
[2007-11-23 11:02:52]  <hellwolf> 今天估计能下好
[2007-11-23 11:02:56]  <InitX> if i without FontPath section in xorg.conf then X window can working normally
[2007-11-23 11:03:52]  <InitX> if i set the FontPath in xorg.conf file then X window started with error message could not open font "cursor" then hangup
[2007-11-23 11:04:17]  <byuan> :D 果然是这样
[2007-11-23 11:04:26]  <Kevin_U2> svg 是矢量图么?
[2007-11-23 11:04:30]  <byuan> InitX~ 那你就别用 fontpath 了呗
[2007-11-23 11:04:45]  <byuan> Kevin_U2~ 对。你用那个 png 的吧?
[2007-11-23 11:04:56]  <InitX> byuan: if i dont use FontPath how can i display chinese font?
[2007-11-23 11:04:59]  <byuan> Kevin_U2~ 不是每个 svg 都有 png 对应的么
[2007-11-23 11:05:02]  <freeflying> 以后xorg估计都不需要xorg.conf了
[2007-11-23 11:05:06]  <byuan> InitX~ 链接啊
[2007-11-23 11:05:16]  <Kevin_U2> 哦 我下了 让他们看吧?    盒子不需要了么?
[2007-11-23 11:05:19]  <byuan> InitX~ 我不记得地址了,大概是 /etc/X11/fontpath.d/
[2007-11-23 11:05:23]  <InitX> byuan: how to?
[2007-11-23 11:05:27]  <InitX> -_-
[2007-11-23 11:05:32]  <InitX> freeflying: negative boy
[2007-11-23 11:05:52]  <hellwolf> CSDN 的下载频道真是 F*CK,不能断点续传
[2007-11-23 11:05:57]  <byuan> InitX~ 装一个 wqy-bitmap-fonts 然后看看它创建的链接是什么样子来?
[2007-11-23 11:06:26]  <InitX> in which file?
[2007-11-23 11:06:42]  <InitX> which file should i checked?
[2007-11-23 11:07:12]  <byuan> rpm -ql wqy-bitmap-fonts 看看有没有 /etc/X11/ 的东西?
[2007-11-23 11:07:29]  <InitX> freeflying: if you trace X binary you will see a lot of working during them
[2007-11-23 11:07:51]  <InitX> byuan: let me c
[2007-11-23 11:07:55]  |<-- InitX has left mejokbp2brhw4omd.onion ("ChatZilla 0.9.79 [Firefox] ")
[2007-11-23 11:11:04]  <Kevin_U2> byuan: 给我个详细地址?
[2007-11-23 11:11:26]  <byuan> 详细地址?
[2007-11-23 11:11:27]  -->| InitX|F7 (n=initx@ has joined #fedora-cn
[2007-11-23 11:11:31]  <Kevin_U2> 地点:北京邮电大学教室 3-335
[2007-11-23 11:11:34]  <InitX|F7> :p byuan get it
[2007-11-23 11:11:57]  <Kevin_U2> 时间没有
[2007-11-23 11:12:16]  <Kevin_U2> 是北太平庄那吧
[2007-11-23 11:12:19]  <byuan> Hiahia.. 估计你得直接联系 “孙廉涛 13811118472” 了。刚才说是下午?
[2007-11-23 11:12:53]  <InitX|F7> its in /etc/fonts/conf.d
[2007-11-23 11:12:56]  <Kevin_U2> OK
[2007-11-23 11:13:30]  <byuan> 换上我,我就自己搬了.. 没搞过,果然不一样
[2007-11-23 11:13:37]  <InitX|F7> byuan, i write FontPath section in xorg.conf because of xorg.conf  manual
[2007-11-23 11:13:39]  <byuan> Kevin_U2~ 这次真是谢谢你了!
[2007-11-23 11:14:21]  <byuan> InitX|F7~ not /etc/fonts/conf.d, that is for fontconfig, not for X core font. It's rather in /etc/X11/fontpath.d, could you check it again?
[2007-11-23 11:14:50]  <Kevin_U2> 客气了
[2007-11-23 11:14:55]  <InitX|F7> yesterday i had man xorg.conf  in the manual it said use FontPath to set font
[2007-11-23 11:15:51]  <InitX|F7> byuan,  i had checked /etc/X11/fontpath.d it syblink to /etc/fontpath.d/
[2007-11-23 11:16:31]  <InitX|F7> symbolic
[2007-11-23 11:16:38]  <InitX|F7> --_--
[2007-11-23 11:17:26]  <byuan> Kevin_U2~ 明天还要和 Songlin Li 合作,不知道现场会怎么样
[2007-11-23 11:17:48]  <InitX|F7> byuan, but there  is only one symbolic file in /etc/X11/fontpath.d/
[2007-11-23 11:18:01]  <InitX|F7> wqy-zenhe-fonts
[2007-11-23 11:18:06]  <byuan> links to?
[2007-11-23 11:18:16]  <Kevin_U2> 网上有公告么 我先看看了解一下
[2007-11-23 11:18:36]  <InitX|F7> it links to /usr/share/fonts/wqy-zenhei
[2007-11-23 11:19:28]  <byuan> InitX|F7~ then do the same thing for your fonts, put fonts in somewhere under /usr/share/fonts/, then create symbol link...
[2007-11-23 11:19:51]  <InitX|F7> may i create  the symbolic for all fonts that i want in this path?
[2007-11-23 11:20:05]  <InitX|F7> got it
[2007-11-23 11:20:10]  <byuan> no, but only the directory
[2007-11-23 11:20:22]  <byuan> link only the directory, not any specific font file
[2007-11-23 11:20:59]  <InitX|F7> byuan, got it another question how can i checked X window to load these fonts currently
[2007-11-23 11:21:42]  <byuan> run xlsfonts
[2007-11-23 11:22:23]  <InitX|F7> whereis xlsfonts
[2007-11-23 11:22:24]  <InitX|F7> xlsfonts:
[2007-11-23 11:22:26]  <InitX|F7> ...
[2007-11-23 11:22:43]  <byuan> xorg-x11-fonts-utils maybe
[2007-11-23 11:25:02]  <InitX|F7> byuan,
[2007-11-23 11:25:08]  <InitX|F7> which one
[2007-11-23 11:25:57]  <byuan> yum install xlsfonts ?
[2007-11-23 11:26:22]  <byuan> I don't know. yum search xlsfonts?
[2007-11-23 11:26:38]  |<-- alex_wing has left mejokbp2brhw4omd.onion (Remote closed the connection)
[2007-11-23 11:28:01]  <InitX|F7> No Matches found
[2007-11-23 11:28:16]  <InitX|F7> byuan,  -_-
[2007-11-23 11:33:34]  <Kevin_U2> svgz  怎么搞?
[2007-11-23 11:35:01]  <byuan> Kevin_U2~ 直接用 png 吧
[2007-11-23 11:35:10]  |<-- InitX|F7 has left mejokbp2brhw4omd.onion ("Leaving")
[2007-11-23 11:35:14]  <byuan> svgz 需要转图片不是
[2007-11-23 11:35:49]  <Kevin_U2> 不知道怎么压缩的
[2007-11-23 11:36:07]  <Kevin_U2> 我知道png 可以了
[2007-11-23 11:36:12]  <byuan> gzip. 得这样 cat xxxx.svgz | gunzip -d ?
[2007-11-23 11:36:39]  <Kevin_U2> gunzip  弄不了
[2007-11-23 11:36:40]  <byuan> Kevin_U2~ 支持 svg 的软件一般都会支持 svgz,所以如果打不开 svgz 就得换个软件 - -!
[2007-11-23 11:37:12]  <Kevin_U2> 没关系 有时间再看吧
[2007-11-23 11:37:19]  <Kevin_U2> linux 下弄不了了
[2007-11-23 11:37:20]  <byuan> 哦,你是说那三个 svgz。文件比较大,大概是下载没下完
[2007-11-23 11:37:37]  <Kevin_U2> 哦 也可能
[2007-11-23 11:37:48]  <byuan> 4M, 4M, 2M
[2007-11-23 11:39:32]  <byuan> 真可怕,firefox 都差点搞挂掉
[2007-11-23 11:39:44]  <Kevin_U2> 弄bt 路由就不正常了 ~
[2007-11-23 11:41:00]  <Kevin_U2> 下完了 我中午去办
[2007-11-23 11:46:08]  -->| huahua (n=huahua@ has joined #fedora-cn
[2007-11-23 11:46:09]  =-= Mode #fedora-cn +v huahua  by ChanServ
[2007-11-23 11:52:03]  -->| yafengabc (n=yafengab@ has joined #fedora-cn
[2007-11-23 11:53:13]  <yafengabc> huahua?,Hiweed的老大?
[2007-11-23 11:53:40]  <huahua> 副手
[2007-11-23 11:55:06]  <yafengabc> fedora的频道人好少,不是国内用这个的最多吗?
[2007-11-23 11:56:47]  =-= huahua is now known as Lige
[2007-11-23 11:57:36]  <byuan> Lige~ 又换
[2007-11-23 11:57:54]  <Lige> byuan, 我家 hers 好~~~
[2007-11-23 11:57:57]  === yafengabc <n=yafengab@> <code></code>yafengabc''
[2007-11-23 11:57:57]  === yafengabc: member of #fedora-cn
[2007-11-23 11:57:57]  === yafengabc: attached to <code></code>''
[2007-11-23 11:57:57]  --- End of WHOIS information for yafengabc.
[2007-11-23 11:58:07]  <Lige> byuan, 德芙黑巧克力好喜欢~
[2007-11-23 11:58:21]  <byuan> yafengabc~ 用 ubuntu 的人最多?再者用 fedora 的也不热衷聊天
[2007-11-23 11:58:23]  =-= Lige is now known as lige
[2007-11-23 11:58:30]  <byuan> Lige~ 哟,人家送你的?
[2007-11-23 11:59:11]  <lige> 取反
[2007-11-23 12:20:04]  -->| ssflying (n=ssflying@ has joined #fedora-cn
[2007-11-23 12:20:45]  -->| AutumnCat (n=AutumnCa@ has joined #fedora-cn
[2007-11-23 12:23:17]  <yafengabc> 那用fedora的人热衷工作咯
[2007-11-23 12:29:05]  <yafengabc> 那天看csdn的某报道,说国内fedora用户要占50% +
[2007-11-23 12:29:33]  <hellwolf> csdn 你都相信
[2007-11-23 12:33:51]  -->| InitX|F7 (n=initx@ has joined #fedora-cn
[2007-11-23 12:33:56]  <InitX|F7> byuan, hi
[2007-11-23 12:34:06]  <InitX|F7> byuan, it seems not working
[2007-11-23 12:34:34]  <InitX|F7> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 31 11-23 11:51 zh_TW -> /usr/share/fonts/zh_TW/TrueType
[2007-11-23 12:34:46]  <InitX|F7> i had create symbolic in it
[2007-11-23 12:35:09]  <InitX|F7> but X still can't display chinese TW
[2007-11-23 12:39:27]  |<-- InitX|F7 has left mejokbp2brhw4omd.onion ("Leaving")
[2007-11-23 12:42:47]  -->| O_Q (n=yengghi@ has joined #fedora-cn
[2007-11-23 12:46:33]  -->| yafeng (n=yafengab@ has joined #fedora-cn
[2007-11-23 12:46:34]  -->| InitX|F7 (n=initx@ has joined #fedora-cn
[2007-11-23 12:46:58]  <byuan> have you found xlsfonts?
[2007-11-23 12:48:43]  <InitX|F7> no
[2007-11-23 12:48:57]  <InitX|F7> are you sure this is command in F7?
[2007-11-23 12:49:45]  <byuan> hellwolf~ help? which package does xlsfonts resides (in)?
[2007-11-23 12:50:11]  * byuan bad english is worse than my shit
[2007-11-23 12:50:26]  <hellwolf> $ rpm -qf $(type -P xlsfonts)
[2007-11-23 12:50:27]  <hellwolf> xorg-x11-utils-7.1-4.fc7
[2007-11-23 12:52:07]  <byuan> great.
[2007-11-23 12:52:40]  <hellwolf> # du -sh os
[2007-11-23 12:52:40]  <hellwolf> 8.2G    os
[2007-11-23 12:52:43]  <hellwolf> 到底有多大
[2007-11-23 12:53:00]  <hellwolf> # du -sh
[2007-11-23 12:53:00]  <hellwolf> 8.8G
[2007-11-23 12:53:05]  <hellwolf> F8 是不是应该再大点?
[2007-11-23 12:53:08]  <hellwolf> 9G?
[2007-11-23 12:53:08]  <hellwolf> 10G?
[2007-11-23 12:55:06]  <byuan> hellwolf~ 你那边 livna repo f8 branch 有多大?
[2007-11-23 12:55:12]  <byuan> freshrpms 呢?
[2007-11-23 12:55:59]  <hellwolf> # du -sh
[2007-11-23 12:56:00]  <hellwolf> 177M
[2007-11-23 12:56:05]  <hellwolf> livna 没有
[2007-11-23 12:57:54]  <hellwolf> 诶,对了
[2007-11-23 12:58:06]  <byuan> 4096x2400 的投影仪?
[2007-11-23 12:58:07]  <hellwolf> 我可以在上挂一个 BadBoy
[2007-11-23 12:59:02]  -->| swz (n=yafengab@ has joined #fedora-cn
[2007-11-23 12:59:33]  <Yuxans> <hellwolf> 我可以在上挂一个 BadBoy < --- 这个可是 x11 的名字?
[2007-11-23 13:00:05]  <hellwolf> Yuxans, 你对他这么敏感?
[2007-11-23 13:00:08]  |<-- yafengabc has left mejokbp2brhw4omd.onion (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[2007-11-23 13:00:23]  <Yuxans> hellwolf: 不至于
[2007-11-23 13:03:35]  <hellwolf> :D
[2007-11-23 13:04:15]  <freeflying> Yuxans: fire上怎么都没有screen?
[2007-11-23 13:04:34]  <InitX|F7>  rpm -ql xorg-x11-font-utils |grep xls
[2007-11-23 13:04:39]  <InitX|F7> byuan, nothing
[2007-11-23 13:04:46]  <InitX|F7> byuan, its nothing
[2007-11-23 13:04:55]  <Yuxans> freeflying: 有,那天我见一个 uid=1007 的人开了
[2007-11-23 13:05:16]  <freeflying> Yuxans: 自己整上去的吧
[2007-11-23 13:05:22]  <hellwolf> 有阿
[2007-11-23 13:05:44]  <hellwolf> hellwolf@www:~$ hostname
[2007-11-23 13:05:45]  <Yuxans> 1007     27635     1  0 Nov19 ?        00:00:00 SCREEN
[2007-11-23 13:05:45]  <hellwolf>
[2007-11-23 13:05:45]  <hellwolf> hellwolf@www:~$ type -P screen
[2007-11-23 13:05:45]  <hellwolf> /usr/bin/screen
[2007-11-23 13:06:00]  <freeflying> Yuxans: 再整个irssi吧
[2007-11-23 13:06:08]  <Yuxans> ....
[2007-11-23 13:06:18]  <Yuxans> fire 拒绝长时间滞留,嘿嘿
[2007-11-23 13:06:34]  <hellwolf> 那你弄个ulimit
[2007-11-23 13:06:39]  <hellwolf> 限制进程时间
[2007-11-23 13:06:40]  <byuan> InitX|F7~ xorg-x11-utils 吧
[2007-11-23 13:06:49]  <hellwolf> cpu time               (seconds, -t) unlimited
[2007-11-23 13:06:58]  <Yuxans> ...
[2007-11-23 13:07:06]  <hellwolf> max user processes              (-u) unlimited
[2007-11-23 13:07:14]  <hellwolf> 这个都没限阿
[2007-11-23 13:07:21]  <hellwolf> 搞死他
[2007-11-23 13:08:06]  <Yuxans> ...
[2007-11-23 13:08:17]  <freeflying> hellwolf: 赶快
[2007-11-23 13:10:00]  <Yuxans> 为了快速完成任务快速撤退没限制啥
[2007-11-23 13:23:05]  <InitX|F7> byuan,  i had install xorg-x11-utils
[2007-11-23 13:23:28]  <InitX|F7> xlsfonts display just 4 fonts that i used
[2007-11-23 13:24:34]  <InitX|F7> The symbolic links i created for fonts not loaded by X
[2007-11-23 13:25:15]  <hellwolf> 是不是还得 mkfontdir mkfontscale 这些老家伙
[2007-11-23 13:26:10]  <InitX|F7> hellwolf,  dont know need byuan to answer
[2007-11-23 13:26:38]  [ERROR]  No match for <code></code>aar''.
[2007-11-23 13:38:01]  <byuan> 要做一个 fonts.dir 文件啦
[2007-11-23 13:38:34]  <byuan> freeflying~ redhat 有什么人确定会参与吗?
[2007-11-23 13:40:30]  <byuan> 可以看到, wqy-bitmap-fonts 包含了 fonts.dir 文件
[2007-11-23 13:47:03]  <byuan> yshao~ 你好!周六北邮有活动,请问 redhat 有没有参加?在北京只有一位 fedora ambassador,我担心他独力难支,因此想要一些技术上的支持。我已经转发了一封相关的邮件,请查收。谢谢!
[2007-11-23 13:54:02]  <InitX|F7> byuan,
[2007-11-23 13:54:12]  <byuan> ?
[2007-11-23 13:54:15]  <InitX|F7> xlsfonts display just 4 fonts that i used
[2007-11-23 13:54:20]  <InitX|F7> The symbolic links i created for fonts not loaded by X
[2007-11-23 13:54:28]  <InitX|F7> anyidea?
[2007-11-23 14:00:21]  <byuan> create fonts.dir in your font directory
[2007-11-23 14:00:36]  <byuan> then link that directory to /etc/X11/fontpath.d/
[2007-11-23 14:00:53]  <byuan> finally restart X I think..
[2007-11-23 14:01:06]  <byuan> but take care of your fonts.dir file
[2007-11-23 14:01:53]  <hellwolf> 说到 font.dir , wqy zenhei 的 F7 打包似乎没有创建这两个文件
[2007-11-23 14:04:05]  <InitX|F7> byuan,  /exec ls -l /usr/share/fonts/
[2007-11-23 14:04:10]  <InitX|F7> byuan,  /exec -o ls -l /usr/share/fonts/
[2007-11-23 14:04:18]  <InitX|F7> total 32
[2007-11-23 14:04:18]  <InitX|F7> drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 2007-11-23 11:47 chinese
[2007-11-23 14:04:18]  <InitX|F7> drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2007-11-22 19:39 wqy-zenhei
[2007-11-23 14:04:18]  <InitX|F7> drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 2007-11-22 19:30 zh_CN
[2007-11-23 14:04:18]  <InitX|F7> drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 2007-11-22 19:30 zh_TW
[2007-11-23 14:04:29]  <byuan> hellwolf~ 那为啥 kojiweb 会列出来呢
[2007-11-23 14:04:39]  <byuan> o. zenhei
[2007-11-23 14:04:44]  <InitX|F7> total 12680
[2007-11-23 14:04:47]  <InitX|F7> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root        2 2007-11-08 14:34 fonts.dir
[2007-11-23 14:04:47]  <InitX|F7> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12949776 2007-10-31 18:23 wqy-zenhei.ttf
[2007-11-23 14:04:53]  <InitX|F7> there is a fonts.dir
[2007-11-23 14:04:55]  <hellwolf> byuan, 里面没 zen hei 字体
[2007-11-23 14:05:01]  <hellwolf> byuan, 空的
[2007-11-23 14:05:24]  <InitX|F7> -misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed--0-0-75-75-c-0-iso8859-1
[2007-11-23 14:05:24]  <InitX|F7> -misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed--13-100-100-100-c-60-iso8859-1
[2007-11-23 14:05:24]  <InitX|F7> -misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed--13-120-75-75-c-60-iso8859-1
[2007-11-23 14:05:24]  <InitX|F7> 6x13
[2007-11-23 14:05:24]  <InitX|F7> cursor
[2007-11-23 14:05:24]  <InitX|F7> fixed
[2007-11-23 14:05:36]  <byuan> 矢量字体得用 fonts.scale,不用 fonts.dir
[2007-11-23 14:06:21]  <InitX|F7> byuan, i had create almost 10 symbolic link of fonts
[2007-11-23 14:06:38]  <byuan> why 10 links?
[2007-11-23 14:06:38]  <InitX|F7> 100dpi 75dpi zh-CN -zh-TW
[2007-11-23 14:07:03]  <hellwolf> byuan, 但 zenkai shanheisun 都有 font.dir
[2007-11-23 14:07:07]  <InitX|F7> i mean 10 different kind of fonts
[2007-11-23 14:07:10]  <hellwolf> /usr/share/fonts/chinese/TrueType/fonts.dir byuan
[2007-11-23 14:07:16]  <InitX|F7> yes
[2007-11-23 14:07:24]  <InitX|F7> there are all have fonts.dir
[2007-11-23 14:07:26]  <byuan> hellwolf~ 我连不上家里的机器。那些都内嵌点阵了吧?
[2007-11-23 14:07:51]  <byuan> 再者做一个 fonts.scale 然后复制成 fonts.dir 就行,以前一直都是这样干的
[2007-11-23 14:08:11]  <InitX|F7> byuan, it also have fonts.scale
[2007-11-23 14:08:17]  <InitX|F7> -_-
[2007-11-23 14:08:27]  <InitX|F7> in 100dpi 75dpi
[2007-11-23 14:09:48]  |<-- InitX|F7 has left mejokbp2brhw4omd.onion (Remote closed the connection)
[2007-11-23 14:11:09]  -->| InitX|F7 (n=initx@ has joined #fedora-cn
[2007-11-23 14:11:19]  <InitX|F7> still not working
[2007-11-23 14:11:23]  <InitX|F7> :(
[2007-11-23 14:11:25]  <InitX|F7> byuan,
[2007-11-23 14:11:26]  |<-- ssflying has left mejokbp2brhw4omd.onion (""Core Dump"")
[2007-11-23 14:11:30]  <byuan> what?
[2007-11-23 14:11:52]  <InitX|F7> i had create font.scale that you asked
[2007-11-23 14:12:12]  <InitX|F7> but these fonts are still not working for me
[2007-11-23 14:12:14]  -->| ssflying (n=ssflying@ has joined #fedora-cn
[2007-11-23 14:12:19]  <byuan> hellwolf~ 我约了今天晚上讨论 Songlin 的 speech 内容,你觉得他晚上会来吗?。。。
[2007-11-23 14:12:37]  <byuan> InitX|F7~ copy fonts.scale to fonts.dir, if fonts.dir is blank
[2007-11-23 14:12:54]  <hellwolf> byuan, 谁/
[2007-11-23 14:13:21]  <byuan> 那个 fedora ambassador in beijing, 明天代表 fedora 参加 install fest
[2007-11-23 14:13:36]  <byuan> 不是邮件都给你转了吗
[2007-11-23 14:14:19]  <InitX|F7> byuan, there are not empty
[2007-11-23 14:14:45]  <InitX|F7> byuan, there are not empty fonts.dir and fonts.scale files
[2007-11-23 14:14:50]  <hellwolf> byuan, 哦,还没看呢
[2007-11-23 14:15:30]  <hellwolf> byuan, 关于livna镜像
[2007-11-23 14:15:43]  <hellwolf> byuan, 不全作了,就做freshrpms里没有的?
[2007-11-23 14:15:53]  <hellwolf> byuan, 不,就做驱动的镜像,然后自己createrepo吧/
[2007-11-23 14:16:13]  <byuan> 什么什么
[2007-11-23 14:16:26]  <byuan> 你是说 还是?
[2007-11-23 14:16:41]  <hellwolf> 把 livna 里的 驱动全部下下来createrepo然后传到
[2007-11-23 14:16:42]  <byuan> InitX|F7~ I've no idea.
[2007-11-23 14:17:00]  <hellwolf> 更名 livna-driver repo
[2007-11-23 14:17:10]  <hellwolf> 加到fedora-cn-release里,默认 enable=0
[2007-11-23 14:17:18]  <hellwolf> livna-drivers
[2007-11-23 14:17:57]  <byuan> 那你直接加到 fedora-cn repo 不是一样吗
[2007-11-23 14:18:44]  <hellwolf> 我不熟悉那些个驱动,有多少软件?
[2007-11-23 14:19:49]  -->| r0bertz|work (i=zhangle@gentoo/developer/r0bertz) has joined #fedora-cn
[2007-11-23 14:20:04]  =-= swz is now known as yafeng
[2007-11-23 14:20:16]  -->| alex_wing (n=chatzill@ has joined #fedora-cn
[2007-11-23 14:30:30]  -->| Yuxans (n=yuxans@2001:618:400:0:0:0:d367:f43c) has joined #fedora-cn
[2007-11-23 14:33:37]  <InitX|F7> Yuxans, IPv6?
[2007-11-23 14:34:29]  <Yuxans> 恩
[2007-11-23 14:34:37]  <Yuxans> 有意见?
[2007-11-23 14:43:07]  |<-- InitX|F7 has left mejokbp2brhw4omd.onion ("Leaving")
[2007-11-23 14:47:13]  |<-- ssflying has left mejokbp2brhw4omd.onion (""Core Dump"")
[2007-11-23 14:50:49]  -->| freeflying (n=freeflyi@ has joined #fedora-cn
[2007-11-23 15:42:09]  <InitX|F7> byuan,
[2007-11-23 15:42:24]  <InitX|F7> paste your xorg.conf file to me
[2007-11-23 15:46:42]  <byuan> InitX|F7~ sorry I cannot. And my xorg.conf is the default one..
[2007-11-23 15:47:08]  <InitX|F7> byuan, never mind just paste it for me
[2007-11-23 15:48:16]  -->| rEdcArp_yu (n=yyu@ has joined #fedora-cn
[2007-11-23 15:48:17]  =-= Mode #fedora-cn +v rEdcArp_yu  by ChanServ
[2007-11-23 15:50:42]  <byuan> rEdcArp_yu~ hi~
[2007-11-23 15:50:56]  <rEdcArp_yu> hi byuan
[2007-11-23 15:52:11]  <freeflying> rEdcArp_yu: hey
[2007-11-23 15:52:19]  <rEdcArp_yu> hi freeflying
[2007-11-23 15:52:28]  <rEdcArp_yu> hi everyone... i got a slow link here
[2007-11-23 15:52:30]  <freeflying> rEdcArp_yu: will u attend tomorrow's event
[2007-11-23 15:52:37]  <rEdcArp_yu> which one?
[2007-11-23 15:52:47]  <freeflying> rEdcArp_yu: beijing
[2007-11-23 15:52:53]  <freeflying> distro show
[2007-11-23 15:53:03]  <rEdcArp_yu> 北邮?
[2007-11-23 15:53:11]  <freeflying> rEdcArp_yu: yup
[2007-11-23 15:53:21]  <rEdcArp_yu> oh yes I changed my flight to catch up
[2007-11-23 15:53:46]  <rEdcArp_yu> but i'm afraid to give a short talk about RHEL5 which I'm more familiar with if have to
[2007-11-23 15:53:58]  <freeflying> rEdcArp_yu: come on, u r always our kindly sponsor
[2007-11-23 15:54:11]  <freeflying> :P
[2007-11-23 15:54:31]  <rEdcArp_yu> emmmm sponsor sounds specious
[2007-11-23 15:55:11]  * byuan how I wish I could book a flight right now
[2007-11-23 15:55:15]  <freeflying> if u can not, who can :P
[2007-11-23 15:55:23]  -->| untitled (n=untitled@ has joined #fedora-cn
[2007-11-23 15:55:25]  <freeflying> byuan: sure, u can
[2007-11-23 15:55:29]  <freeflying> :P
[2007-11-23 15:55:29]  <byuan> Hiahia
[2007-11-23 15:56:32]  <rEdcArp_yu> byuan: you can use a potter's equipment
[2007-11-23 15:56:45]  <rEdcArp_yu> freeflying: you'll be there?
[2007-11-23 15:56:49]  <rEdcArp_yu> anyone else?
[2007-11-23 15:57:06]  <byuan> I don't buy his magic books so he may not know me :p
[2007-11-23 15:57:17]  <freeflying> rEdcArp_yu: like fred, amy, etc
[2007-11-23 15:57:25]  <rEdcArp_yu> wow
[2007-11-23 15:57:29]  <rEdcArp_yu> a big thing
[2007-11-23 15:58:48]  <freeflying> byuan: the organizer need confirm with u the speecher of fedora now
[2007-11-23 15:58:59]  <byuan> rEdcArp_yu~ I fwd u an email this morning that an fedora ambassador in Beijing will be there but I wonder if he could do it nicely.. anyway it is a good thing than nothing
[2007-11-23 15:59:18]  <rEdcArp_yu> that'll be great
[2007-11-23 15:59:23]  <rEdcArp_yu> byuan
[2007-11-23 16:01:43]  <rEdcArp_yu> who is that?
[2007-11-23 16:06:00]  <hellwolf> wo zou cuo ping dao le ?
[2007-11-23 16:06:04]  =-= huahua_ is now known as Huahua
[2007-11-23 16:06:17]  =-= Mode #fedora-cn +v Huahua  by ChanServ
[2007-11-23 16:07:21]  <rEdcArp_yu> hellwolf: yes, here's the heaven
[2007-11-23 16:07:39]  -->| InitX|F7 (n=initx@ has joined #fedora-cn
[2007-11-23 16:07:40]  <InitX|F7> :p
[2007-11-23 16:07:47]  <InitX|F7> i did it
[2007-11-23 16:08:01]  <byuan> freeflying~ confirm with me? please call this guy instead. 13810495791 Songlin Li
[2007-11-23 16:08:36]  <InitX|F7> but traditional chinese cant display
[2007-11-23 16:09:42]  <hellwolf> # du -sh os
[2007-11-23 16:09:42]  <hellwolf> 9.2G    os
[2007-11-23 16:09:48]  <hellwolf> digikam-devel-0.9.2-5.fc8.i386.rpm
[2007-11-23 16:09:49]  <hellwolf> digikam-0.9.2-5.fc8.i386.rpm
[2007-11-23 16:10:05]  <hellwolf> 倒序下到这里
[2007-11-23 16:10:12]  <InitX|F7> did fonts-chinese package support Traditional chinese and Simplified
[2007-11-23 16:10:14]  <InitX|F7> chinese
[2007-11-23 16:13:08]  <InitX|F7> file:///usr/share/doc/HTML/index-pa.html
[2007-11-23 16:13:14]  <freeflying> byuan: will rEdcArp_yu be alternative?
[2007-11-23 16:13:27]  <byuan> that will be nice!
[2007-11-23 16:13:53]  <rEdcArp_yu> that's OK for me :)
[2007-11-23 16:14:23]  <InitX|F7> whats language in pa.html?
[2007-11-23 16:14:39]  <byuan> I do hope that Songlin will do it well.
[2007-11-23 16:15:41]  <freeflying> byuan: or I can do it for u :P
[2007-11-23 16:15:48]  <rEdcArp_yu> haha
[2007-11-23 16:15:57]  <rEdcArp_yu> that's a signal?
[2007-11-23 16:16:44]  <byuan> Kevin_U2~ what is your status now? :)
[2007-11-23 16:19:51]  <rEdcArp_yu> seems the release notes for F8 still no Chinese.
[2007-11-23 16:24:16]  <byuan> ... 只差 15 个没有翻译的句子
[2007-11-23 16:25:04]  <hellwolf> F8 F8 updates 终于要同步完了
[2007-11-23 16:25:20]  <rEdcArp_yu> 恩
[2007-11-23 16:25:24]  <byuan> f8 发行前一天更新了 pot,中文的没有及时跟上.. 现在就这样了
[2007-11-23 16:25:31]  <rEdcArp_yu> 这样啊
[2007-11-23 16:51:22]  -->| xavier_ (n=chatzill@ has joined #fedora-cn
[2007-11-23 16:51:46]  =-= xavier_ is now known as hypnotist
[2007-11-23 17:17:29]  <Kevin_U2> byuan, 已经去刻录了 要晚上8点才能拿到
[2007-11-23 17:17:33]  <Kevin_U2> DVD 慢
[2007-11-23 17:18:12]  <byuan> 神速啊,晚上8点就可以拿到了
[2007-11-23 17:18:48]  <byuan> 印了些什么?应该很漂亮吧
[2007-11-23 17:22:12]  <Huahua> byuan, 赞 Kevin_U2
[2007-11-23 17:23:47]  <Kevin_U2> 就你给我那个链接上的 CD
[2007-11-23 17:24:54]  <Kevin_U2> 我去他那弄的 看见是光盘塔
[2007-11-23 17:25:11]  <Kevin_U2> DVD 只能8速刻录  否则会有坏盘
[2007-11-23 17:25:47]  -->| goodlucky (n=goodluck@ has joined #fedora-cn
[2007-11-23 17:25:54]  <Kevin_U2> 晕 现在就好了
[2007-11-23 17:26:14]  <Kevin_U2> 我要去取了 堵车阿 。。。 刚从那回来
[2007-11-23 17:31:23]  <freeflying> byuan: 很想看看吧,赶紧飞北京吧
[2007-11-23 17:31:44]  <Kevin_U2> byuan 不在北京?
[2007-11-23 17:32:51]  <byuan> 不是说明天人家给送么。DVD 得慢慢刻录?
[2007-11-23 17:33:01]  <byuan> Kevin_U2~ 我在深圳 :)
[2007-11-23 17:33:25]  <freeflying> 一起去斗地主吧
[2007-11-23 17:56:55]  <Kevin_U2> 好了 一会就送来了 ! 我明天找 孙廉涛 13811118472 吗?
[2007-11-23 17:58:37]  <byuan> 那个是组织整个活动的学生。你当然得找他了,不过还要先和 Songlin Li 商量好怎么做。晚上他会过来参加 IRC 聚会,夜里再说吧
[2007-11-23 18:01:04]  |<-- yshao has left mejokbp2brhw4omd.onion ("Leaving")
[2007-11-23 18:01:31]  <Kevin_U2> 20:00 我吃饭的时候。。。
[2007-11-23 18:02:33]  <Kevin_U2> 晕 我都上班了 。。。
[2007-11-23 18:03:22]  <byuan> 你上班时间? @_@
[2007-11-23 18:06:30]  <Kevin_U2> 现在下班 了 呵呵
[2007-11-23 18:06:41]  <Kevin_U2>  我有时间办这些事
[2007-11-23 18:13:20]  * byuan 吃饭去先,晚上见
[2007-11-23 18:13:37]  <Kevin_U2> ok

20:00 聚会日志

--- Log opened 五 11月 23 19:35:27 2007
20:28 <+hers> 有没有想聊天?
20:37 < Kevin_U2> 聊what啊?
20:38 < Kevin_U2> hers 你明天去么?
20:41 < jcome> 为什么一离开北京就有活动:(
20:42 < Kevin_U2> 呵呵
20:43 <+hers> 怎么去,我在深圳的
20:47 <+hellwolf> 视频直播
20:51 -!- pdioo [n=walt@]  has joined #fedora-cn
20:51 < pdioo> hi,all
20:52 < Kevin_U2> 20 等到9点没开会
20:56 < Kevin_U2> 我要去吃饭了
20:56 < Kevin_U2> 明天 带光盘过去 ~
20:57 < Kevin_U2> 先走了
20:57 -!- Kevin_U2 [n=chatzill@]  has quit ["Bye bye!"] 
21:02 < jcome> 我也自己刻录,作封面,快递了5份F8光盘(有国外的)
21:02 < jcome> livecd
21:17 <+hers> 还没到十点
21:17 <+hellwolf> F8 Everthying 10G+
21:18 <+hellwolf> 花了我三天
21:18 <+hellwolf> hers, 用 adobe-reader 了否?
21:18 <+hellwolf> hers, 用 adobe-reader 8了否?
21:41 -!- eagerclouds [n=Aaron@]  has joined #fedora-cn
21:41 < eagerclouds> Hi,
21:41 < eagerclouds> good night to you all
21:42 < eagerclouds> I am Li from BJ
21:42 -!- e2002 [n=chatzill@]  has joined #fedora-cn
21:43 < eagerclouds> Are kevin and Yijun here ?
21:44 <+hellwolf> eagerclouds, hi, Yijun -> hers , kevin seems not around
21:44 <+hellwolf> hers, 出来
21:45 <+hers> hi, eagerclouds
21:46 <+hers> I thought your id is aaconras or somthing like this? :)
21:46 < eagerclouds> hi, all
21:46 <+hers> eagerclouds~ kevin has left but he has got the CDs and DVDs.
21:46 < eagerclouds> OK, I just got some problems about the schedule tomorrow.
21:47 < eagerclouds> I have a important business date tomorrow morning, and I am not sure when it will be finished.
21:48 < eagerclouds> Another problem is that there is not enough time for me to prepare the presentation.
21:48 < eagerclouds> I came back 10 minutes ago.
21:48 < eagerclouds> from my office
21:49 <+hers> so busy, hehe
21:49 < eagerclouds> it is too bad.
21:49 <+hers> eagerclouds~ don't worry, but please be prepared
21:49 < eagerclouds> I have no choice since in this winter. And my companies always have a lot of business during winter.
21:50 < eagerclouds> Yes, I will prepare. But who will go? Only kevin?
21:50 <+hers> anyway we need a entire afternoon, maybe longer if we want to play nice
21:50 <+hers> yes, Kevin, and another redhat guy.
21:50 [Users #fedora-cn] 
21:50 [@ChanServ    ]  [+ricky     ]  [ christina_chen]  [ nihui  ]  [ ssflying] 
21:50 [+cwelton     ]  [ abner     ]  [ DawnFantasy   ]  [ pdioo  ]  [ wanglin ] 
21:50 [+gregdek_gone]  [ alex_wing ]  [ e2002         ]  [ r0bertz]  [ yafeng  ] 
21:50 [+hellwolf    ]  [ cafeblue  ]  [ eagerclouds   ]  [ rainy  ]  [ Yuxans  ] 
21:50 [+hers        ]  [ candyz0416]  [ Epocher       ]  [ Shely  ] 
21:50 -!- Irssi: #fedora-cn: Total of 24 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 5 voices, 18 normal] 
21:50 -!- liuhongdan [n=chatzill@]  has joined #fedora-cn
21:50 <+hers> liuhongdan~ hehe
21:51 <+hers> liuhongdan~ do you have time tomorrow afternoon?
21:51 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v liuhongdan]  by ChanServ
21:51 <+liuhongdan> hers, sorry
21:51 < eagerclouds> Oh, good news. So liuhongdan from Redhat will go?
21:51 <+liuhongdan> hers,加班
21:51 <+hers> eagerclouds~ 不是,是余洋
21:51 <+hers> eagerclouds~ 中文,can you read it?
21:52 <+liuhongdan> 最近一直很忙....实在是没办法
21:52 < eagerclouds> ha, I misunderstand about this. Chinese is OK
21:52 <+liuhongdan> 连周日都搭上了
21:52 <+hers> liuhongdan~ 偷懒啊,逃一个下午 :D
21:52 < eagerclouds> I can read it without any problem. But I choose to input English, for it's easier to use.
21:53 <+hers> eagerclouds~ 那说说你的安排?讲稿提纲 first. :)
21:53 <+liuhongdan> hers,如果真要去的话,我会和经理说明情况的,逃这个词可不好啊
21:53 <+hers> :D 要是我,我就逃跑..
21:54 <+liuhongdan> hers,那儿有具体的安排说明?
21:54 < eagerclouds> OK, I will give the list about the contents in presentation:
21:54 <+liuhongdan> hers,我先看看
21:54 <+hers> liuhongdan~ read for now
21:55 <+hers> liuhongdan~ which is the IRC log this morning, when we discussed a lot of things
21:55 < eagerclouds> 1> short introduction about fedora, including relationship between and red hat.
21:55 < eagerclouds> 2> The spins of fedora
21:55 < eagerclouds> 3> how to install fedora, including installation from DVD or iso images located in hard disk.
21:56 <+liuhongdan> hers,好的。不过你们环境倒是很松啊。我工作时间,从来不敢用irc,im之类。
21:56 < eagerclouds> I think these 3 points are enough for tomorrow.
21:56 <+hers> eagerclouds~ n> install and remove software, from ISO (use yum local repo)
21:56 -!- pdioo [n=walt@]  has quit ["Leaving."] 
21:57 <+hers> eagerclouds~ sure, if they can listen, remember and understand
21:57 <+hers> liuhongdan~ 实际上,我今天没怎么干活儿
21:57 < eagerclouds> If we want to talk about the usage about Yum, that's out of the boundary. And I do believe this will be given by other release, while we are the last.
21:58 <+hers> 30min
21:58 <+hers> o
21:58 <+hers> I don't know that
21:58 <+hers> well fedora is relatively easy
21:58 <+liuhongdan> hers,我可是被盯得紧。我先看看
21:58 < eagerclouds> Yes, I got the information: we are the last one. And they are not sure about our availablilty.
21:59 -!- tiny_bird [n=chatzill@]  has joined #fedora-cn
21:59 < tiny_bird> linux里有没有可以搜索听歌的软件?
21:59 <+hers> eagerclouds~ too bad.
21:59 <+hers> tiny_bird~ rhythmbox
22:00 < eagerclouds> ? what's too bad?
22:00 <+hers> tiny_bird~ go to the first 2 lists, or use or other fm radio stations
22:00 <+hers> eagerclouds~ I mean, we don't even have a chance to speech
22:01 <+hers> eagerclouds~ fedora stands for infinite freedom of speech, and they oppose our freedom :(
22:02 <+hers> eagerclouds~ how many people in BLUG do you know?
22:02 -!- O_Q [n=yengghi@]  has joined #fedora-cn
22:03 < eagerclouds> No, we have a chance, but the problem is that who will give the speech. I was the first choice giving this speech, but it depends whether I can come back on time. The organizer give time during 16:10 to 16:40 for fedora.
22:04 < eagerclouds> Sorry, I know none. Pardon, what's BLUG? Its full name is?
22:04 <+hers> Beijing LUG
22:04 <+hers> Beijing Local User Group
22:06 <+hers> eagerclouds~ you know their phone right?
22:06 < eagerclouds> No, I do not know them. I only contact with several Linux groups in the institute and University.
22:06 <+hers> I thought BLUG connects well with user groups in University
22:07 -!- wanglin [n=wanglin@]  has quit ["暂离"] 
22:07 < eagerclouds> Yes, maybe. I think I need to know more about these groups.
22:08 -!- e2002 [n=chatzill@]  has quit ["ChatZilla [Firefox] " 
22:08 <+hers> eagerclouds~ anyway, if you cannot come on time (better late than nothing), ask either Kevin or the other one that you have the phone number, to find Mr. Hou.
22:08 <+hers> eagerclouds~ notify them, then let Mr. Hou and Mr. Yu to give the presentation.
22:08 < eagerclouds> OK , I will check this.
22:09 < eagerclouds> And I hope it will not be too late.
22:09 -!- nihui [n=nihui@]  has quit [Remote closed the connection] 
22:10 <+hers> eagerclouds~ but remember they are not fedora contributors like you and me
22:12 < eagerclouds> No, they are not.
22:13 < eagerclouds> I know this very clearly. And we have no choice.
22:13 <+hers> hellwolf~ what do you think? anything to tell Mr. Li?
22:13 < eagerclouds> If possible, I'd like to have the news much more earlier. And then, maybe I can have a better time shcedule
22:15 <+hers> hehe again, better late than nothing. Thanks to Mr. Hou ;)
22:16 < eagerclouds> I hope I can go.
22:16 <+hers> eagerclouds~ 可以介绍一下 fedora-cn 的情况吗,大致的几个链接
22:16 -!- r0bertz|work [i=zhangle@gentoo/developer/r0bertz]  has joined #fedora-cn
22:17  * hers 想在有限的演讲时间里插播小广告
22:17 < eagerclouds> yes, it's a good idea.
22:19 < eagerclouds> OK. I will prepare the presentation files for this.
22:22 <+hers> 还有什么要想的没?
22:22 <+hers> 早晨想了很多,现在面对面反而没话
22:23 [Users #fedora-cn] 
22:23 [@ChanServ    ]  [+ricky         ]  [ eagerclouds ]  [ Shely    ] 
22:23 [+cwelton     ]  [ abner         ]  [ Epocher     ]  [ ssflying ] 
22:23 [+gregdek_gone]  [ cafeblue      ]  [ O_Q         ]  [ tiny_bird] 
22:23 [+hellwolf    ]  [ candyz0416    ]  [ r0bertz     ]  [ yafeng   ] 
22:23 [+hers        ]  [ christina_chen]  [ r0bertz|work]  [ Yuxans   ] 
22:23 [+liuhongdan  ]  [ DawnFantasy   ]  [ rainy       ] 
22:23 -!- Irssi: #fedora-cn: Total of 23 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 6 voices, 16 normal] 
22:23 <+liuhongdan> hers,情况太不明确了。多大地方,多少人参加,多少机器,需要多少人手,广告什么时候打的?
22:23 < eagerclouds> Just give the necessary information, and tell others where they can get more.
22:25 <+liuhongdan> hers,什么人,什么演讲,然后干什么,打算几个小时 ,想达到什么效果....
22:27 < eagerclouds> I check this with the organizer.
22:28 < eagerclouds> 我刚才给孙廉涛打了电话,问题不太一样
22:28 <+hers> nice. 怎么说?
22:29 < eagerclouds> 场地是一个大概可以容纳200人左右的教室,没有计算机。必须由我们自己携带已经安装好的笔记本,现场演示Fedora中比较吸引人的特性。
22:29 <+liuhongdan> 这样不大好啊
22:29 < eagerclouds> 30分钟的演讲,之后还可以有40分钟的演示
22:29 < eagerclouds> 什么不太好阿,简直太糟糕了
22:30 <+hers> 那么安装呢,岂不是完全没有 Install Fest 的意思?
22:30 <+liuhongdan> 确实。我以前举办这样的活动时,都是申请机房的啊
22:30 < eagerclouds> 哈哈,没有
22:30 <+liuhongdan> 让他们动手才能体会啊
22:30 <+hers> 早知道就不参加了.. 这种名不副实的东西
22:30 < eagerclouds> 说是,如果有同学带着笔记本,可以现场给他安装。这个是假设条件
22:31 <+liuhongdan> 怎么可能阿
22:31 < eagerclouds> 也就是说发生的可能性不是很大
22:31 <+liuhongdan> 本本里面都是工作的东西
22:31 <+liuhongdan> 用可以,不能重装啊
22:32 < eagerclouds> :(,我已经改行从良,不用笔记本了
22:32 <+liuhongdan> 还刻录了那么多的光盘,完事后免费赠送用的?
22:32 < eagerclouds> right,他们的意思就是这样
22:32 <+liuhongdan> 不好
22:32 <+hers> 不给
22:33 <+liuhongdan> 他们回去了,没人帮,他们玩玩就丢了
22:33 <+liuhongdan> 想学的除外
22:33 <+liuhongdan> 30分钟演讲,40分钟演示,不到一个小时......
22:34 < eagerclouds> 呵呵,非常可能就是这样
22:34 <+liuhongdan> 要是有机器,就好办多了
22:34 <+liuhongdan> 整个半天不成问题
22:34 < eagerclouds> 不过,从我个人的角度来说,演讲是可以。但是,找了这么多发行版同时开工,就没有意思了
22:35 < eagerclouds> 说白了,大家是差不多同质竞争。
22:35 <+liuhongdan> 演讲,效果不大,和平时大家听讲座一样,没有什么本质影响
22:36 <+liuhongdan> 你有什么好的地方,吸引别人参加你的活动,来了会一直很有兴趣的一直到结束?
22:36 < eagerclouds> 在目前的情况下,还是技术支持比较有用。
22:36 <+hers> 以前就是这样,拿到光盘,有多少人会拿到光盘后利用它,很少。然而,这个比例在参加讲座的人中已经很高了,毕竟是有兴趣才来听讲座的。
22:36 < eagerclouds> 而且,我估计周六参加的人也不会很多。有,也是很多专业的,更想知道开发之类的东西。
22:37 < eagerclouds> 应该是计算机专业的会多点,如果有料的话。
22:37 < eagerclouds> 不过演讲的主题会更便而已。
22:37 <+liuhongdan> 广告了吗?
22:38 < eagerclouds> 什么广告了?
22:38 <+liuhongdan> 在学校,bbs之类
22:38 <+liuhongdan> 广告栏
22:38 < eagerclouds> 有
22:38 <+liuhongdan> 提前几天?
22:38 < eagerclouds> 你没有收到他们发来的计划书?
22:38 <+liuhongdan> 我没有,我下午刚知道的。
22:39 < eagerclouds> 我是昨天夜里11点半才看到的,:(
22:39 < eagerclouds> 我传一份给你
22:40 <+hers> 我也早不到哪儿去。。幸好在 IRC 能收到消息
22:40 <+liuhongdan> 好,email?
22:40 <+hers> eagerclouds~ 也给我一份
22:40 < eagerclouds> 就这里传文件了,稍等一下
22:41 <+liuhongdan> 听起来就是一个校内活动,怎么你们都这么大的动作?
22:41  * hers for me, the first time.
22:42 <+liuhongdan> ....
22:42 < eagerclouds> 嘿,没有办法,Yijun人比较好
22:42 < eagerclouds> 这以前,我就给几个人做过presentation,最多的时候就二十来个人。
22:43 <+liuhongdan> 要是演示的话,那儿能上网么?
22:43 < tiny_bird> fedora 8 安装 oracle 难不难?
22:43 < eagerclouds> 可以上网,提供了网线
22:43 <+liuhongdan> 估计要准备聊天工具了
22:44 < eagerclouds> tiny_bird~安装不难,难在配置让他能够完美工作。
22:45 < eagerclouds> 如果你想使用oracle数据库,推荐你还是使用RHEL更好一点
22:45 < tiny_bird> f8能装哪个版本号的oracle ?9i or 10g?
22:45 < tiny_bird> eagerclouds: 为啥?
22:45 < tiny_bird> rhel 的哪个版本?
22:45 <+liuhongdan> 以前在linuxfans时候,会常常举办这样的活动,每个学校都会有人相互联系
22:46 < eagerclouds> 是阿,不过这个看来气势不够大阿
22:46 < eagerclouds> 你们怎么不接受文件?
22:46 <+liuhongdan> 没显示
22:48 < eagerclouds> 你刚才要给我传文件?
22:48 <+liuhongdan> 我只是看看这个是不是可以用
22:48 <+liuhongdan> aaa.txt,能接受?
22:48 < eagerclouds> 可以
22:48 < eagerclouds> 不过我取消了
22:48 < eagerclouds> 还是看不见?算了,我发邮件给你们好了
22:49 < eagerclouds> 你的邮箱?
22:49 <+liuhongdan> hongdanliu  ##
22:49 < eagerclouds> tiny_bird~看到新开的对话?
22:51 <+liuhongdan> 收到了
22:51 < eagerclouds> 我已经把邮件转发给你们了
22:53 < eagerclouds> 看完了下决定好了
22:53 < tiny_bird> eagerclouds: 没有
22:53 <+liuhongdan> 恩。我先看看再答复你把
22:54 < eagerclouds> 使用oracle数据库,推荐使用RHEL 的原因是他们经过了兼容性测试,并且一般都基于特定的硬件平台优化过。
22:54 < eagerclouds> 尤其是一些服务器捆绑了RHEL,使用起来更稳定
22:54 < tiny_bird> rhel对哪个版本号的oracle支持较好?
22:54 < eagerclouds> 如果不是企业使用,个人学习就无所谓了。
22:54 < eagerclouds> 最新版的oracle都可以支持。
22:55 < eagerclouds> 9和10都能用
22:55 < tiny_bird> rhel 4也支持最新的 oracle ?
22:56 < eagerclouds> yes
22:56 <+hers> eagerclouds~ 明天 lucky lucky 多吸引一些有本事的人到 fedora 来!
22:56 < eagerclouds> 至少9和10应该度没有问题
22:56 < eagerclouds> 哈哈,但愿吧
22:57 < eagerclouds> Yuan Yijun~但愿吧,
22:57 < eagerclouds> 上帝保佑,最好你看完邮件后决定怎么办?
22:58 < tiny_bird> 你们在要大学演讲?
22:59 < eagerclouds> 正在计划
23:00 -!- r0bertz|work [i=zhangle@gentoo/developer/r0bertz]  has quit [Remote closed the connection] 
23:00 <+hers> eagerclouds~ 看了那个,觉得就按你的想法来讲就很好。有一点忘了说,bluedj 是 的空间赞助人,一定要谢谢他们
23:00 <+liuhongdan> 我在知春路,怎么去?
23:01 <+hers> eagerclouds~ 就你的提纲就完全 OK 了。也许给听讲的人发一些白纸和笔,让他们做笔记会比较好? :)
23:01 <+liuhongdan> 过去打杂,应该还凑合,解决问题,要更多的牛
23:01 <+liuhongdan> 好几个版本,一个半小时,是人都会晕
23:02 < eagerclouds> 呵呵,今天发行,Yijun还是理想主义者
23:02 < eagerclouds> 哈哈
23:03  * hers 我有一个,伟大的理想,哈哈哈哈
23:03 <+liuhongdan> 北邮内部的,搞这个学生老师,应该不少吧
23:03 < eagerclouds> 地址在文件里有阿?我把邮件转发给你。然后演示文稿pdf你也带着,万一我赶不过去,你照着读一遍?
23:03 <+liuhongdan> 搞这个的学生老师
23:03 < eagerclouds> 怎么样,hongdan?
23:04 <+liuhongdan> 我上午在公司,中午才能赶过去,不知道能不能及时到。
23:04 <+liuhongdan> 发给我看看吧
23:04 < eagerclouds> OK
23:04 <+hers> 在座的还有人在北京吗?
23:05 < eagerclouds> 等我弄完,晚上回来后就忙到现在
23:05 < eagerclouds> 对了,Yijun,kevin的邮箱我这有么?
23:05 < eagerclouds> 再给我一次
23:05 <+hers> Epocher~ O_Q~ rainy~ tiny_bird~ ssflying~ yafeng~ Yuxans~ 你们有在北京的吗?
23:05 < tiny_bird> 有
23:05 <+hers> eagerclouds~
23:05 < eagerclouds> OK
23:05 <+hers> and you have his phone right?
23:05 < rainy> -_-!! 湖北
23:05 -!- christina_chen [n=chris@]  has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 
23:05 < tiny_bird> 我在北京
23:05 < eagerclouds> yes I have his phone
23:06 <+liuhongdan> 这个消息,知道的太晚,联系不起来。不知道他们在校内组织的怎么样啊
23:06 <+liuhongdan> hers在那儿,现在?
23:06 <+hers> 深圳
23:06 <+hers> tiny_bird~ 你要 party 的详细地址不?
23:06 < tiny_bird> 我对LINUX也不懂啊
23:07 <+liuhongdan> 有一点不明白,为什么我们要去啊?
23:07 <+hers> 去看小美女。
23:07 <+liuhongdan> 哦
23:07 <+liuhongdan> 这个理由很充分
23:07 < eagerclouds> 哈哈,Yijun大大的坏了阿
23:07 <+hers> liuhongdan~ 这不是和 fedora 有关的活动吗,正好发现有 fedora ambassador 在那里 :D
23:07 < tiny_bird> 哎,都结婚了,对女人没兴趣了,天天上下班在地铁里挤美女
23:08 <+hers> tiny_bird~ 咸湿老头
23:08 <+liuhongdan> 哎,没女朋友,对女人很有兴趣,天天上下班在城铁里被女人挤
23:08 < eagerclouds> 哈哈,老前辈阿,都结婚了
23:09 < eagerclouds> 靠,俺是明年
23:09 <+liuhongdan> fedora ambassador什么来头?
23:09 < tiny_bird> 呵呵,前辈不敢,就是LINUX懂得少
23:10 <+liuhongdan> redhat的?
23:10 < eagerclouds> 谁是RedHat的?
23:11 <+liuhongdan> 我只是问问
23:12 < eagerclouds> 哦
23:12 <+liuhongdan> 不会是讲英语吧?
23:13 <+liuhongdan> 不知道明天有多少样机?
23:14 < eagerclouds> 中文,样机的没有。
23:14 < eagerclouds> 需要我们自己带着笔记本演示Fedora的特性,就像王婆一样,自卖自夸
23:15 <+liuhongdan> 我的意思就是有多少人带笔记本过去
23:16 <+liuhongdan> 我的有beryl
23:16 < eagerclouds> 小于10,而且这10还是各个组织
23:17 <+liuhongdan> 组织上去多少人啊?
23:17 <+liuhongdan> 我们的组织里去多少人?
23:17 < eagerclouds> 2个或者3个,我明天不知道能不能赶到
23:18 < eagerclouds> 所以要让你带着pdf,到时候先救场阿
23:18 <+liuhongdan> 你演讲fedora的部分?
23:18 < eagerclouds> 从原理说,应该是吧
23:18 <+liuhongdan> 哪个 pdf?
23:18 < eagerclouds> 我正在写,一会给你
23:19 <+liuhongdan> 不会迟到吧,fedora的是16.00才开始啊
23:19 <+liuhongdan> 怎么也来得及啊
23:20 < eagerclouds> 我明天公司派我去国贸那边
23:21 < eagerclouds> 下午时候不知道能不能赶到
23:22 <+liuhongdan> 貌似知春路和北邮很近,3公里左右的样子
23:23 < eagerclouds> 是很近,骑车15分钟吧
23:24 -!- yichi [n=yichi@]  has joined #fedora-cn
23:24 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v yichi]  by ChanServ
23:25 < eagerclouds> 我走了阿,回头再聊。
23:25 < eagerclouds> 记得查收邮件
23:26 <+liuhongdan> 好
23:26 < eagerclouds> 晚安
23:26 < eagerclouds> 8
23:26 -!- eagerclouds [n=Aaron@]  has left #fedora-cn [] 
23:26 <+liuhongdan> 8
23:30 <+liuhongdan> 投影仪的分辨率是不是要和电脑的分辨率一样才能播放?
23:32 <+liuhongdan> hers,eagerclouds代表fedora社区啊?
23:33 <+liuhongdan> hers,5个社区分别围绕各发行版的特性、新功能和新技术进行主题演讲,介绍并吸引同学们参加社区项目,这两个似乎有难度:(,连自己都没有参加社区项目
--- Log closed 六 11月 24 00:00:26 2007

24 日

16:03 <+hers> 貌似到时间了
16:03 <+hers> 四点,到四点半
16:09 < alaulong> 到四点半有事么?
16:12 <+hers> 北邮某个聚会

16:42 -!- freeflying [n=freeflyi@]  has joined #fedora-cn
16:45 <+hers> 奇怪,不是说聚会是有网络的么
16:45 <+hers> freeflying~ 怎么样?:)

16:52 < freeflying> hers: 还行,我感冒头疼先回了
16:53 <+hellwolf> ...
16:53 < freeflying> hers: 余洋即时感到
16:59 <+hers> freeflying~ 真是都够忙的
17:04 < freeflying> Funda wang在演讲时公开指责ubuntu
17:05 <+hellwolf> :D
17:05 < alaulong> ubuntu和fedora有啥不同?
17:05 <+hellwolf> 听上去突然好玩了点
17:05 < freeflying> 引起台下一片哄笑
17:05 -!- gcell [n=xelnaga@]  has joined #fedora-cn
17:05 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v gcell]  by ChanServ
17:05 < alaulong> 没玩过ubuntu
17:07 <+hers> 那 fedora 的讲得好不?
17:07 < freeflying> fedora在最后,我没听了
17:07 < alaulong> 你咋不听呢。。。
17:09 <+hers> 人很多吧
17:09 < freeflying> 感冒头疼先撤了
17:09 < freeflying> 一般化
17:09 <+hers> 估计你传染了不少人感冒
17:10 <+hellwolf> 谁感染谁?
17:10 < alaulong> 又不是SARS没那么厉害吧。
17:11 < alaulong> 为啥你们的名字前是白点?
17:23 <+hellwolf> 因为我们是星星战队

18:49 -!- Kevin_U2 [n=chatzill@]  has joined #fedora-cn
18:51 < Kevin_U2> 今天去了 还不错
18:52 < Kevin_U2> 北邮 好多人
18:53 < Kevin_U2> 我的任务完成了
18:53 -!- Kevin_U2 [n=chatzill@]  has quit [Client Quit] 
