Magnus Glantz
27 years old and live in Sweden and work with IT and Open Source within the telco industry. Joined up with the Fedora project to learn and contribute.
- Email: [[MailTo(mg AT hacka DOT net)]
- Homepage:
- Employer:
- Freenode IRC name: magnusg
Activities within Fedora
I'm active in the Fedora Localization Project, L10N. Read more about L10N here:
GPG KEYID and fingerprint
pub 1024D/6817411F 2007-02-16 Key fingerprint = 970D 5AB9 B029 E357 0A9F 432F B423 E60B 6817 411F uid Magnus Glantz (Public home) <[[MailTo(mg AT hacka DOT net)] > sub 4096g/D1AFB6BD 2007-02-16