We, me and Nihed, were at ISET'Com - Tunis last Wednesday and gave a talk about GNU/Linux, open source and Fedora in front of a small group of students.
I took the initiative to prepare a set of slides [1] for the event. The covered topics are GNU, Linux, Open Source, The concept of Distribution, Fedora, How to contribute, Some Applications. I've also created a custom and lightweight version of the Fedora Electronic Lab presentation [2] where I thought we could also give it a spin, if the audience is interested enough.
We arrived a bit early at the school, met with a local organizer (a prof. assistant) and then headed to the amphitheater to setup our rig. We did a small rehearsal and distributed the roles. We brought with us a nice lot of Fedora 14 Live CDs that we previously produced for the SIB event.
The presentation went alright and we did a Q&A run at the end. The students were responsive and we got a bunch of very interesting questions. We distributed some Fedora 14 CDs and we eventually got some students asking us to help them installing Fedora 14 on their laptops! :) which we happily did.
You'll also find at http://ilyes.fedorapeople.org/ISETCom_Talk_20101208/ all the event material including the Impress slides, the event poster and pictures and a nice video depicting the Q&A phase.
-Ilyes Gouta
[1] http://ilyes.fedorapeople.org/ISETCom_Talk_20101208/ISETCom_Fedora_Talk.odp [2] http://ilyes.fedorapeople.org/ISETCom_Talk_20101208/ISETCom_FEL_Talk.odp