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Caius C. Chance
Caius C. Chance
Caius C. Chance
Fedora Information
FAS name: kaio
Fedora email:
IRC nick: kaio
IRC channels: #fedora-ambassadors, #fedora-design, #fedora-mentors, #fedora-zh
Fedorapeople page:
Badges (21)
Embryo Bloggin' it! (Planet III) Bloggin' it! (Planet I) Bloggin' it! (Planet II) Involvement Ambassador Tadpole Egg Tadpole with Legs Ambassadors Sponsor Junior Badger (Badger I) FAmSCo Member Speak Up! Secretary General Crypto Badger Crypto Panda Froglet Origin Paranoid Panda Don't Call it a Comeback Adult Frog

Caius 'kaio' Chance

^ (left to right): Paul 'stickster' Frields, Tom 'spot' Callaway, Caius 'kaio' Chance.

我的名字叫 Caius Chance (kaio)。 我在香港出生,在澳大利亞布里斯本讀大學;畢業之後我選擇定居,任職軟體工程師多年。 我第一次接觸的電腦是在我表哥家裡的一台 8086 PC,裝有 5 吋半軟碟儲存及四階黑白顯示器。 我從那時候開始就是電腦愛好者(及電玩迷)。

我喜歡數碼繪畫,學習外國語言,打籃球等等。 在自己進行家居改進的時候我發現 DIY[1] 是多麼的吸引。 現時我在忙於我的 SOHO[2] 生意和修讀《小企業管理》課程。

您可以經由 IRC, Google Talk, email 聯繫到我。 我通常 0200 - 1400 (UTC) 會在,或 24 小時以內回覆您的電子郵件。

Activities within Fedora

I installed Red Hat Linux 6.1 + CLE 0.9 [3] in 1999. Linux remained for testing or academic use until I started using Fedora as my main operating system since Fedora Core 5 released in 2006.

Fedora Ambassadors (and Fedora Chinese User Group)

I became a member of Fedora Ambassadors Steering Committee for 2011 , Fedora Ambassador Mentor since 2010, Fedora Ambassador since 2009. I joined Fedora Chinese in 2006. I participated in establishment of the group, organization of IRC meetings, deployment of forum and migration to official mailing list. I aim to catalyze the popularity growth of Fedora by utilization of my skills.

Fedora Design

I had paid attention to the news from The Design Team since 2006. I like having fun with aesthetic creation. So, I promise will spend more time on art ASAP. :P

Fedora Internationalization (and Bug Zappers, Package Maintainers)

I became a developer for Fedora Internationalization since 2006 for work purpose. I participate in development of input method engines (SCIM [4], IBus [5]), fonts (Liberation Fonts, CJKUnifonts [6]) and translation management system (Flies [7]). I also maintained the packages of aforementioned projects and a few more.

Fedora Localization

I am language maintainer for Chinese (Traditional) in Fedora Localization since 2007. I have not translated many documents, though being the first contact of support for translators and those who are interested. Most of the document and software localization had been performed by people with professional skills. Hence, I mostly work on organisational information on wiki which breaks language barriers in front of new comers.

我在 1999 年安裝及試用過 Red Hat Linux 6.1 和 CLE 0.9。
我保留 Linux 作為測試及學術用途,直至 Fedora Core 5 推出才安裝成主要作業系統。

Fedora大使 (和 Fedora中文用戶組)
我 2006 年成為 Fedora大使,2010 年成為 Fedora 大使導師, 2011 年成為 Fedora 大使推動委員。
我 2006 年加入 Fedora中文用戶組。
我希望利用看己的技能,促進 Fedora 的知名度。

我自從 2006 年一直留意 Fedora 設計組。我享受美術創作的樂趣,因此我承諾我將會儘快多花時間在美術上。:P

Fedora國際化 (和 除蟲者,套件維護者)
工作需要,我 2006 年成為 Fedora 國際化組的開發員。
我參與輸入法引擎 (SCIM, IBis),字型 (Liberation Fonts, CJKUnifonts), 翻譯管理系統 (Flies)。


我 2007 年起是繁體中文的語言維護者。
所以,我通常只幫忙 wiki 上的組織資料,以打破新加入或有意的 Fedora 貢獻者的語言隔亥。

Plans for Fedora 2011

Here are my personal Fedora goals in 2011. Daily tasks of my various Fedora roles are not included for readability:

I will collaborate in..

  1. Organization of Linux Conference Australia (LCA) 2011 and Fedora Activity Day (FAD) at Brisbane 2011
  2. Processing funding/reimbursement requests from ambassadors
  3. Renovation of Fedora Chinese User Group (FZUG) forum[8] and wiki pages
  4. Distribution of media in Australia and New Zealand
  5. Organization of Fedora Users and Developers Conference (FUDCon) Asia Pacific 2011
  6. Translation of organisational information into Traditional Chinese
  7. Promotion among education institutions in Australia and New Zealand
  8. Recruitment and mentoring of ambassadors in Asia Pacific
  9. Design of mascot
  10. Development of software related to my production environment

(Reference: S.M.A.R.T.[9])


  • 紅帽認證工程師[10]
  • 微軟認證系統工程師[11]
  • 思科網絡工程師[12]
  • 認証 ScrumMaster [13]
  • 資訊科技學士[14]
  • 資訊科技文憑[15]


  • 美術與平面設計[16]
  • 英文/英語[17]
  • 日文/日本語[18]
  • 中文/漢語[19]
  • 中文/粵語[20]
  • 太平紳士[21]
