The Fedora Finance SIG works across the Fedora Project to make sure that all contributors and groups have the financial resources that they need. We coordinate processes, budgeting, and strive to push financial authority and accountability as far to the edges as possible, while ensuring accurate and transparent accounting.
There is currently no formal membership for this SIG, nor will there be any elections as a result of this SIG. If you care about the processes by which Fedora's money is budgeted and distributed, this SIG hopes to provide logistical value to you. All are welcome.
Mailing List
We currently don't have one. Our first meeting will discuss whether or not we need a new one, or if something like the Fedora Logistics list is the proper venue.
We are getting ready to hold our first meeting.
When and where?
- Where did this idea come from?
- Why are we here? Why do we need more budget-related planning and collaboration?
- What groups do we hope to serve?
- What are the recurring actions of this SIG?
- How can we be as lightweight as possible, and not invent new processes or bureaucracy?
- How do we ensure success of folks who are already spending a lot of Fedora's money? FAmSCo, FUDCon organizers, etc.
- What does this group want to do that is new and different?
- What sorts of skillsets will this group need to function well, and where will we get/learn them?