From Fedora Project Wiki
Some of the links below require Red Hat VPN access, including the [FIXME full meeting minutes & log].
Roll call
Status of old action items:
- Harish
- Get whatever POSSE Manila info we have down on a wiki page or on the mailing list.
- Look for an opportunity for an OSDC article out of the "Open Source Business Workshop" on Friday.
- Max
- Drive POSSE Manila conversation forward after Harish presents the current info to the team, so that Mel isn't burdened by it while she is at SIGCSE.
- Follpwup with Pam about Fedora Scholarship legal questions.
- Options for next full-team retreat to the list for discussion and March 16 finalization.
- Mel and Sebastian
- Do a great job at SIGCSE, according to the plan.
- Ryan
- Finish up the TOS wiki gardening ASAP, pre SIGCSE, with a focus on the front page.