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Fedora Events: Fedora Core Open Days


  • Date: Mar 18-19, 2006
  • Location: Rybnik, Poland
  • Ambassadors: MateuszHalaba, PawelSadowski
  • Description: The first event of this kind in Poland. It will be a conference connected with users and sympathizers meeting, setting Fedora promotion as a main goal. Rybnik, Poland.
  • Status: If anyone is interesting in participating, please contact one of the ambassadors involved.
  • Official site:
  • Report: written by PawelSadowski on 2006-03-24
I have a pleasure to write you about Fedora Core Open Days that held in
Poland on 18-19 March.

So, first, after a small delay, some guy from local LUG started the
event by welcoming the people. Then was the first speech, of course
mine ;) First, I've told very shortly about history of Linux (it'd be
difficult to talk about Fedora without knowing the Linux history :>).
Then I started my speech about Fedora. I told inter alia about history
of Fedora - Red Hat Linux → Fedora Core → Fedora Project → Fedora
Foundation, about what's new in FC5, how to help, and generally about
the project. Then there was Mateusz Halaba's and his brother's speech
about KDE. Later there was a set of lectures and talks about various
features of Linux and Fedora Core. The president of local LUG, Filip
Klebczyk had a speech about Linux community. There was a ballot of gifts
from enqiries for participants. There was also a president of B2B, Red
Hat reseller in Poland. After the first day, there was a party in local
pub, but I didn't participate (together with friends from
forum we had a party in hotel that we were staying in ;)).
On the second day there were also interesting lectures, inter alia the
lecture of Polish Fedora Extras developer, Dawid Gajownik, about SELinux.
Unfortunately, I had to go during his speech, because I had a train to
home (next was in the morning next day). I know that on the second day
there was also a lottery of prizes from questionnaires for participants.

I gave a FC4 DVD to one boy, although he asked me about FC5. I
distributed few copies of FC5. We haven't DVDs so we couldn't burn it
for all participants. And, we had access for CD version, so we would
have to have a lot of CDs to burn it to everybody. But it was also great
that we could have FC5 for this event, and we are very grateful,
especially to Patrick W. Barnes and Jesse Keating for their commitment
and that by dint of them we had FC5 earlier :) We had Ubuntu for
distribute at the event - heh, Fedora would be better, but it was better
to distribute Ubuntu than nothing ;) There was also a tournament in
Frozen Bubble and Python benchs.

Ok, I think that's all. Once again thanks for all people who helped us
organizing this great Fedora event. We are already planning to organize
Fedora Open Days (more appropriate name - Fedora is not only operating
system, and creating the logo for the event will be easier). We were
preliminairly thinking about Cracow. I think this time, we should have
Fedora T-shirts and DVDs for distribute to everybody. It will be a big
show ;)

Pawel Sadowski