From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 23:49, 6 January 2010 by Poelstra (talk | contribs)

Periodic Status

  • Level of code completion status is show as a percentage under the Current Status section of the feature page.
  • Percentage completion does not reflect the level of unfixed bugs or that the feature has been fully tested.

Feature Page Updates

  • Feature pages should be updated no less than monthly
  • Feature pages should be updated to reflect the current status of the feature by the following milestones on the Release Engineering schedule:
    • Feature Freeze--features not 100% complete at Feature Freeze should be updated no less than every two weeks until Beta Freeze
    • Beta Freeze--all features should be 100% complete. If necessary, the feature page adjusted to reflect everything completed (so as to reflect 100% completion).

Overall Feature Status

  • A summary status for all the features targeted to a particular release will be collected on a summary page which references and briefly explains the feature

Development Reminders

  • Feature Wrangler will send reminders and announcements to fedora-devel-announce list as necessary. All feature owners are encouraged to subscribe to fedora-devel-announce.
  • Reminders to developers about upcoming feature deadlines will be sent to
  • Nag mail to developers with stale feature page updates will be blind copied (bcc'd) on an email to so that they receive a private copy of the email as well. This is usual done as single email for all of the stale feature pages.

Exception Process

  • Feature pages not meeting the specified status update guidelines will receive a reminder from the Feature Wrangler asking them to do so.
  • Feature pages which continue to reflect a stale status will be sent to FESCo to determine if the feature should continue to be listed as a feature of the release