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Revision as of 19:56, 11 July 2011 by Jlaska (talk | contribs) (initial draft)
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This guide explains how to manage and run a Fedora QA IRC meeting. Many of the steps here could well apply to other groups that hold regular IRC meetings as well. In fact, this page was initially borrowed from FESCo_meeting_process.


One or more days before the meeting is scheduled ...

  1. Create a wiki page to allow for collaborative edits of the proposed meeting agenda. This page must be linked from QA/Meetings. The page name typically follows the format QA/Meetings/20250228. Use the following format ...
    # Fedora Quality Assurance Meeting
    # Date: 2025-02-28
    # Time: 15:00 UTC (
    # Location: #fedora-meeting on
    Greetings testers!
    This is a reminder of the upcoming QA meeting.  Please add any topic suggestions to
    meeting wiki page at
    The current proposed agenda is include below.  If no additional topics are suggested, 
    the meeting will be canceled.
    == Proposed Agenda Topics ==
     1. Previous meeting follow-up
    ... <any active meeting topics> ...
     2. Open Discussion - <your topic here>
  2. Using the above template, send an email to the

Day of meeting

  1. Send out a reminder IRC message ~20 minutes before the meeting to the following IRC channels: #fedora-qa, #fedora-test-day, #fedora-bugzappers and #fedora-devel
    == Fedora QA meeting starts in ~20 minutes -- /join #fedora-meeting ==
  2. Generate a text file from the template below. You can copy and paste lines from this file into IRC as the meeting progresses.
    #startmeeting Fedora QA
    #meetingname fedora-qa
    #topic Roll Call
    #topic Previous meeting follow-up
    #topic Next week's chair
    #topic Open Discussion - <your topic here>

Meeting time

  1. Join #fedora-meeting
  2. To start the meeting, copy and paste the lines from the above template (stopping after Roll Call) directly into the IRC channel
  3. Wait a few for people to show up. Confirm there are at least (5) voting members present for Quorum. If not, cancel meeting.
  4. Go through each topic. Watch time on each and if 15minutes are reached, ask if people want to keep discussing that topic or move on.

Post meeting

  1. When the meetbot #endmeeting command completes, it displays links for the logs. Include the .txt file in the email created above.
    Meeting ended Mon Jul 11 16:08:20 2011 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at .
    Minutes (text):
  2. Send the meeting minutes email immediately following the meeting. If you wait, it's very easy to forget.
  3. Update the QA Meeting calendar to include a link to the meeting minutes. This is very helpful for maintaining a search-able history of meeting minutes.