From Fedora Project Wiki
Your name

A Free Software developer interested in Fedora Electronic Lab. At present, I am based out of Pune, Maharashtra, India.
- E-mail: shakthimaan at gmail dot com
- IRC: mbuf (#fedora-india, #fedora-devel, #fedora-ambassadors)
- Fedora account: shakthimaan
- Website:
It is more of a news feed -
- I hack on anything Free Software. If you are interested in learning or working with me on a Free Software project, please contact me via e-mail.
- I can also conduct a one-day workshop at your School/College/University/Institute on various topics on Free Software. Please contact me if required.
- I intend to participate with Fedora development, testing and marketing activities.
- Some of my presentations are available at:
- Packages I maintain are at:
If you would like me to be a mentor for you, please answer the following when you write an e-mail to me:
Question | Answer |
Fedora Ambassador ticket request number | |
Fedora distribution currently in use | |
Are you working/studying/any other? | |
What are your strengths and weaknesses? | |
What is your Internet connectivity type and speed? | |
Interested Fedora sub-project(s) (atleast one) | |
Any prior F/OSS work (provide link) | |
What do you see yourself working in Fedora, six months down the line? | |
How much time do you intend to spend with Fedora per week? | |
Read and understood "i-want-2-do-project.tell-me-wat-2-do-fedora"? | |
Your skillset (technical/non-technical) | |
What is your school, college mathematics marks? |