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Revision as of 09:37, 1 April 2011 by Deneb (talk | contribs)

Marina (deneb) Latini
Marina (deneb) Latini
Marina (deneb) Latini
Marina (deneb) Latini
Personal Information
Born: Jul 6th 1984 in Foligno (Italy)
Home: Via Dario Niccodemi 5, 20156, Milano, Italy
Fedora-specific Information
FAS-Name: deneb
Miscellaneous Information
Private Mail:
GPG-Key: 356E0E90
IRC: deneb_alpha on Libera.Chat, in:
#fedora-it #fedora-ambassadors #fedora-campusamb #linux-it #linux-mi #ooo4kids #donne-softwarelibero #libreoffice #libreoffice-it
Badges (21)
Embryo Involvement Ambassador Mugshot Paranoid Panda Let Me Introduce Myself Tadpole Egg Crypto Panda Crypto Badger Don't Call it a Comeback Macaron (Cookie I) Riddle Me This Baby Badger Tadpole with Legs Adult Frog Junior Badger (Badger I) Froglet Secretary General Speak Up! Called to Action


Activities within Fedora