Proposed Changes to PHP Guidelines
This page describes items that need to be changed in the PHP Guidelines or other items that need to be reviewed or ratified by the Fedora Packaging Comittee and FESCo .
Actual Guidelines
Macros and scriptlets
No information on macro provided by php-devel
Change proposal
Macros and scriptlets
PHP ZTS extension
When apache run in worker mode (instead of prefork mode), the ZTS (Zend Thread Safe) version of PHP is used.
If an extension maintainer want to provides a ZTS version of this extension, he must ensure that
- the extension is thread safe
- the libraries used by the extension are thread safe
The php-devel package in fedora >= 17 (5.4.0) provides the necessary files to build ZTS modules and provides several new macros:
For standard (NTS) extensions
%{__php} %{_bindir}/php %{php_extdir} %{_libdir}/php/modules %{php_inidir} %{_sysconfdir}/php.d %{php_incldir %{_includedir}/php
For ZTS extensions
%{__ztsphp} %{_bindir}/php-zts %{php_ztsextdir} %{_libdir}/php-zts/modules %{php_ztsinidir} %{_sysconfdir}/php-zts.d %{php_ztsincldir %{_includedir}/php-zts/php
php-devel provides the executables needed during the build of a ZTS extension, which are:
- phpize-zts
- php-config-zts
- php-zts (which is only useful to run test suite during build)