From Fedora Project Wiki
Django-packages without python-prefix
Name | Bz.No |
Django | |
Django-south | na |
django-addons | na |
django-ajax-selects -- Enables editing of ForeignKey, ManyToMany and simple text fields | |
django-annoying -- Eliminate annoying things in the Django framework | |
django-authenticator -- authentication client for django | |
django-authopenid -- Django application to integrate Django authentication system with OpenID | |
django-authority -- A Django app for generic per-object permissions and custom permissions checks | |
django-avatar -- A reusable django application for handling user avatars | |
django-celery -- Django Celery Integration | |
django-contact-form -- An extensible contact-form application for Django | |
django-countries -- Provides a country field for Django models | |
django-dpaste -- dpaste is a code pastebin application using Django. | |
django-evolution -- Schema evolution for Django | |
django-extra-form-fields -- Some additional form fields for Django | |
django-filter -- A Django application for allowing users to filter queryset dynamically | |
django-flash -- A Django extension to provide support for Rails-like flash | |
django-followit -- A django app that allows users to follow django model objects | |
django-keyedcache -- Utilities for simplified development of cache aware objects | |
django-kombu -- Kombu transport using the Django database as a message store | |
django-lint | |
django-mako -- Mako Templates Plugin for Django | |
django-mptt -- Utilities for implementing Modified Preorder Tree Traversal | |
django-notification -- User notification management for the Django web framework | |
django-pagination -- Django pagination tools | |
django-picklefield -- Implementation of a pickled object field | |
django-piston -- A mini-framework for Django for creating RESTful APIs | |
django-profile -- Django pluggable user profile zone | |
django-profiles -- A fairly simple user-profile management application for Django | |
django-pylibmc -- Django cache backend using pylibmc | |
django-recaptcha -- A Django application for adding ReCAPTCHA to a form | |
django-recaptcha-works -- Integrate the reCaptcha service | |
django-registration -- A user-registration application for Django | |
django-reversion -- Django extension that provides version control capabilities | |
django-robots -- Robots exclusion application for Django, complementing Sitemaps | |
django-sct -- A collection of Django applications for building community websites | |
django-simple-captcha -- Django application to add captcha images to any Django form | |
django-sorting -- A Django application for easy sorting | |
django-staticfiles -- A Django app that provides helpers for serving static files | |
django-tables -- A Django Queryset renderer | |
django-tagging -- A generic tagging application for Django projects | |
django-tastypie -- Tastypie is an webservice API framework for Django | |
django-threaded-multihost -- Enable multi-site awareness in Django apps | |
django-threadedcomments -- A simple yet flexible threaded commenting system for Django | |
django-tinymce -- TinyMCE form field editor for Django applications | |
django-tracking -- Django site visitor tracking, including basic blacklisting | |
django-typepad -- A helper Django app for making TypePad applications |