From Fedora Project Wiki








以下人士负责 Fedora 基础设施团队的管理工作。

* 团队主管——Kevin Fenzi 
* 构建系统和软件包负责人——Dennis Gilmore 
* 安全负责人——Luke Macken 
* 开发经理——Toshio Kuratomi 

这些官员通常决定在 Fedora 项目日常运行中多项基础设施需要解决的事情。这些官员为开发者和终端用户提供服务,但是他们最终会将所有信息汇报给 Fedora 项目团队。这通常意味着这些官员会尽力尝试满足用户的需求或修复已发现的问题,但在有时,他们也会以各种理由拒绝某些请求。不过,最终的决定会听从于 Fedora 项目团队。就一般而言,这种情况很少见。
如果您想了解更多有关这几位官员的管理方法和自我介绍,请访问 官员述职 页面。


基础设施团队借助多种途径协调团队工作。我们主要通过每周在 上的 #fedora-admin[?] 频道举行的 IRC 会议和邮件列表进行交流。


我们于每周四19:00 UTC都会在 #fedora-meeting[?] 频道举行会议。

访问 会议 以便了解详情和会议历史记录。

IRC 交流频道

您可以在 的 IRC 频道 #fedora-admin[?] 找到我们的成员和贡献者。


Fedora 基础设施团队的邮件列表是:infrastructure

Contribute to Fedora Infrastructure

Fedora is known for creating and using new technologies. The Infrastructure team helps build many of these new technologies and uses many of them on a regular basis. We are always interested in discussing these technologies from an academic and theoretical perspective.

If you're ready to work with the Fedora Infrastructure team we're looking for smart, dedicated system administrators and developers to help maintain our systems and write code. The Fedora Infrastructure team is a perfect way to give back to the community! So what are you waiting for? Take a look at our Getting Started Page!

Fedora User and Developer Conference (FUDCon)

Fedora holds four conferences each year. These conferences are held in various parts of the world. These conferences provide contributors with an opportunity to work together in real-time. If you are coming to a FUDCon and would like to work on something in particular that is infrastructure related then please add it to the appropriate list:

FUDCon - Blacksburg, VA 2012

Our Architecture

An overview of our technical Network Architecture is available online. If you have a question or constructive comment about our Network Architecture please send an e-mail to our admin inbox or stop by the #fedora-admin channel on

Fedora Services

The Fedora Infrastructure team develops, deploys, and maintains various services for the Fedora Project.

Do you have a desire to work with us on a new project and need resources? Then please read our Request For Resources section.

Please note that for scripts and services written especially for Fedora, we have a licensing policy and prefer using the GPL (v2) or LGPL (v2). If you would like to use a newer version of these two licenses or a different license please start a discussion through our regular meetings, IRC or the mailing list. The licensing policy page contains details and answers to frequently asked questions so please review it before asking us questions.

Standard Operating Procedures

Working on a ticket and need to remember which commands to run to create a new hosted project? Or notice that a service is down and want to troubleshoot what's wrong with it? The Category:Infrastructure SOPs page contains instructions on common issues and resolutions and how to go about implementing them.

各种 Bug 和请求

如果您想提交有关 Fedora 项目的基础设施 Bug,或请求新特性,请访问 基础设施团队服务系统首页。如果您想了解有关在系统使用方面的信息,请访问 客服系统介绍 页面。

请在您反馈 Bug 或请求新特性前确保您已经了解 常见问题 页面和 如何报告问题 页面的内容。感谢您的支持!


Fedora 项目偶尔会收到硬件方面的捐助,这些硬件最终会用在基础设施项目里面。
这里有一份 捐助物品记录赞助商 列表。