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Revision as of 22:47, 26 March 2012 by Apevec (talk | contribs)


Setup required for the Keystone service.


Follow QA:Testcase_install_OpenStack_packages.

How to test

Configure the Keystone database, similar to how we do it for nova

$> sudo openstack-keystone-db-setup

Set up a keystonerc file with a generated admin token and various passwords:

$> cat > keystonerc <<EOF
export ADMIN_TOKEN=$(openssl rand -hex 10)
export OS_USERNAME=admin
export OS_PASSWORD=verybadpass
export OS_TENANT_NAME=admin
export OS_AUTH_URL=
$> chmod 600 keystonerc
$> . ./keystonerc

Set the administrative token in the config file

$> sudo openstack-config-set /etc/keystone/keystone.conf DEFAULT admin_token $ADMIN_TOKEN

Start and enable Keystone service

$> sudo systemctl start openstack-keystone.service && sudo systemctl enable openstack-keystone.service

Create sample Tenants, Users and Roles

$> sudo ADMIN_PASSWORD=$OS_PASSWORD SERVICE_PASSWORD=servicepass openstack-keystone-sample-data

Test the Keystone CLI is working

$> keystone user-list

Expected Results

Check that no errors are reported.