From Fedora Project Wiki
The nomination period is OPEN. The nomination period will remain open through 23:59:59 UTC on May 15, 2012.

FAmSCo 2012 F18 elections

This is a special transitional election for FAmSCo. All seven seats are open for election. The four candidates receiving the most votes will be seated for two release cycles and the three candidates receiving the fewest votes will be seated for one release cycle. As those terms expire in the future elections will be held each release to fill the open seats.

Candidates must be a member of the Ambassadors group in the Fedora Accounts System. This helps ensure that FAmSCo members have some experience with the processes of Fedora Ambassadors, but still allows relatively new contributors to sit on FAmSCo and bring fresh ideas to the table.

Ambassadors will be following the Fedora election timeline.

You may self-nominate. If you wish to nominate someone else, please consult with that person ahead of time.

Jiri Eischmann (sesivany)

  • Please briefly describe your history with Fedora.
    • Although my history with Fedora started just at the beginning of 2011 I've been involved in Linux communities much longer (since ~2004). Because I work as a community manager for Red Hat Czech I spend on Fedora-related stuff most of my time.
    • I'm an ambassador for the Czech Republic, and also in the marketing and the Czech L10n team (haven't been very active in this team though).
    • I produce Fedora media for EMEA.
  • Why do you want to be a member of FAmSCo?
    • I want to influence how Fedora is promoted and I think what FAmSCo needs the most now are active members and I hope I will be able to provide that level of activity.
  • What is the proper role for FAmSCo in a global project like Ambassadors?
    • As the name says it's a steering committee, so I think FAmSCo should steer the whole project, make the global decisions. It should also enable cooperation between the regional ambassadors teams and between ambassadors and other groups in Fedora.
  • What are your particular goals related to FAmSCo?
    • Improving communication between ambassadors and other groups so that ambassadors can know what activities are important for the Project and should be promoted in the community because it's ambassadors who should deliver this message. For example Test Days are a unique and great way for the community to easily contribute to Fedora. However, they are still not very well attended, and I think the awareness and promotion in the community is not very good.
    • Improving swag production and distribution. We've done some improvement in the EMEA region and I think we can improve it even more, perhaps on the global level.
    • Working as a middleman between Red Hat and Fedora. Because I both work for Red Hat and am involved in promoting Fedora (ambassadors, marketing) I'd like to help coordinate efforts between Red Hat and the community.
  • What would you change about the way Ambassadors is run?
    • I'd focus on ambassadors' activity. There are hundreds of ambassadors, but I meet just a little subset of them at regional meetings (talking about EMEA). Maybe we should start a discussion what steps to take to keep ambassadors active.