From Fedora Project Wiki
The nomination period is OPEN. The nomination period will remain open through 23:59:59 UTC on May 15, 2012.

For the last election, see NominationsNovember2011

In the May 2012 election, there are 5 seats open. Open seats are currently held by: Kevin Fenzi, Bill Nottingham, Peter Jones, Stephen Gallagher, and Tomáš Mráz.


The community has submitted the questions that it wants you to answer. The list of questions is here: F18_elections_questionnaire#Fedora_Engineering_Steering_Committee_.28FESCo.29

Please do not answer them on the wiki. Please email your answers to Ankur Sinha "FranciscoD" at ankursinha AT by May 22 2012. All the candidates' answers will be collected and put up together before the town halls.

Person Name (IRC nickname)

  • Mission Statement:
  • Past work summary:
  • Future plans:

Stephen Gallagher (sgallagh)

  • Mission Statement: Make Fedora THE platform for rapidly developing the next generation of free, open-source software.
  • Past work summary: Red Hat employee since 2008, Lead developer of the System Security Services Daemon, participant in the FreeIPA project. Fedora Hosted admin maintaining ReviewBoard. FESCo member since June 2011
  • Future plans: Continue to drive Fedora to become the best platform for developing exciting new technologies for the desktop and datacenter.

John Dulaney (j_dulaney)

  • Mission statement: To promote Fedora in my role as an ambassador; to continue to develop test criteria for new features coming into Fedora and evolve the QA process as needed to fit with the evolution of Fedora. I will also strive to make sure that Fedora remains at the forefront of technology and to be the best Free distribution of Linux.
  • Past work summary I am a member of the Fedora Quality Assurance team. I help write test cases for new features, I am a proven tester (testing critical path software updates), I test new releases starting prior to branching, and I help establish release criteria. I am also a Fedora Ambassador, especially within the Fayetteville region. I spread knowledge of Linux in general and Fedora in particular and inform people that they do have a choice for Freedom.
  • Future plans: Strive to improve the testing of Fedora; both personally and collectively throughout the QA team, to continue to educate people on the advantages of Linux and Free Software, and to continue to test Fedora.