FUDCon Wiesbaden 2006
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Call for Papers
- Call for Papers ends March 26th, 2006 -- FlorianBrand
The Fedora Project is proud to announce that FUDCon Wiesbaden 2006 will be hosted by LinuxTag,
Europe's biggest Open Source conference and expo, once again. The date for this event is Friday, May 5th. Attendance is free for all visitors of the Linux
Tag Conference And Expo.
"FUDCon Wiesbaden 2006 continues a successful series of technical conferences." says Florian Brand, Fedora Ambassador.
"This year we are looking for talks on three core skills: Management, Troubleshooting and Performance Tuning."
To be considered for presentation, abstracts should be submitted through the LinuxTag Virtual Conference Center by no later than March 26th. Submissions are welcome from both developers and community members alike, new and old. Conference language is English.
Das Fedora Projekt freut sich auch in diesem Jahr einen FUDCon im Rahmen des LinuxTags, Europas wichtigster Veranstaltung
rund um Freie Software, anbieten zu können. FUDCon Wiesbaden 2006 findet am 5. Mai in den Rhein-Main Hallen statt.
Der Eintritt ist für Besucher der Linux
Tags frei.
Mit dem FUDCon Wiesbaden 2006 setzt das Fedora Project seine erfolgreiche internationale Konferenzreihe fort. Themen dieses FUDCons sind: Management, Troubleshooting und Performance Tuning.
Beiträge können bis zum 26.03.2006 über den virtual Conference Center des LinuxTags
(https://www.linuxtag.org/vcc/) eingereicht werden. Dabei sind Beiträge von Entwicklern als auch von Mitgliedern willkommen. Die Konferenzsprache ist English.
When and Where
- Friday, May 5th, 2006
- Wiesbaden, Germany - LinuxTag Germany
- GeroldKassube
- FlorianBrand
- ChitleshGoorah (still checking if he does not have practical classes)
- Troubleshooting Contest
- 3 difficulty levels
- Scores: How fast, how many
- prizes to be won
- Events
- Meet The Developers
- ["Kadischi"]
- 4c postcards as flyers (~100EUR)
- Fedora posters
- Fedora Opener (aka Truth Happens) for Fudcon
- Banner
- Fudcon Program on Beamer
- FedoraLiveCDs based on FC5 by ChitleshGoorah
- One Day (Friday)
- Focus: troubleshooting and tuning.
- Title?
- Program Board: Marcel Holtmann, Jens Kühnel, FlorianBrand, FlorianLaRoche
- todo: Call For Papers
- FC5 DVDs
- build and burn FedoraLiveCDs
- Shirts
- Build our own booth?
- Call for Papers should be visible on the Linux
Tag page early next week.
- In addition to that we have a booth during the entire Linux
Tag show.
- A friend of mine had this crazy idea to build the booth counters out of IKEA kitchen cupboards. (cheapest version, painted blue). Maybe this idea is just crazy enough. The whole thing depends on how big our booth is. -- FlorianBrand