From Fedora Project Wiki
Dan Horak
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Home Page:
IRC nicks: sharkcz on FreeNode IRC, dhorak on RH internal IRC
About Me
I used to work as a sysadmin for a small company with large infrastructure in West Bohemia, Czech Republic. Now I work for Red Hat Czech as a software engineer in the BaseOS team.
Packages submitted and/or maintained
- cdcollect - simple CD/DVD catalog for GNOME
- codeblocks - C/C++ IDE
- cyrus-imapd
- dovecot
- openhpi
- openhpi-subagent
- python-openhpi
- qgit - QT interface to GIT repos
- sg3_utils
- ski - IA-64 user and system level simulator
- tailor - VCS conversion tool
- tinyerp - ERP client-server system
- ultimatestunts - remake of DOS Stunts game
- zabbix
Packages with me as comaintainer
- gtkterm
- qlandkarte
- wxGTK
Packages waiting for review
- squirrel #442280
Packages not yet submitted
usually available at
- afros - Atari Free Operating System for use in aranym
- aranym - Atari ST/Falcon/TT virtual machine
- atari800 - 8-bit Atari emulator (will probably go into rpmfusion repo)
- atftp - advanced TFTP client and server
- gwhere - CD/DVD file catalog (patched, so it works in current desktops)
- gnomecatalog - CD/DVD file catalog (needs some work to be really usefull)
- mm3d - MisfitModel3D
- winetricks - utility for installing various redistributable libraries into Wine