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Guideline for Fund Requests/ Reimbursements - NA Region

This page is a draft only
It is still under construction and content may change. Do not rely on the information on this page.
Since this is a guideline please do not make any changes. This wiki page is maintained by the FAmSCo members in in North America. Currently, this is Clint Savage (herlo) and Nick Bebout (nb). Please contact them for more clarifications.
Following guideline should be applied ONLY for Fedora Ambassadors North America (FAmNA) related with expenses for NA.


The NA-specific reimbursement guidelines are related to the change of budget handling within the Fedora community. Each region now has its own budget and can set its own guidelines to handle budget requests within limits given by FAmSCo and.


Following is the process that should be followed.


  1. Create a wiki page with information about your event (eg: Date and venue, purpose, tentative agenda, detailed budget break down ...)
  2. Anyone can create the event wiki page but there should be an event owner (there can be one or more event owners)
  3. Open a ticket at Fedora LATAM trac
  4. LATAM Ambassadors meetings are held every Wednesday, please participate for the next meeting and get your request approved.
  5. Upload receipts (in PDF format please) to the ticket you have opened and wait for reimbursement.

Travel Subsidies

If you want to represent Fedora in another territory it is possible to ask for travel subsidies to cover the expenses. In such situations, we try our best to cover travel expenses including air fare/fuel/bus fare, accommodation, visa fee (other expenses such as expenses for food will not be considered). Depending on the available budget the request may be approved fully or partially.

  1. Please make a request at least a month before so that we can save some money on air fare since those figures go high soon.
  2. Open a ticket at Fedora LATAM trac with a full description, cost breakdown of your travel plan.
  3. LATAM meetings are held every second Wednesday 22:30 UTC, please participate for the next meeting and get your request approved.
  4. Upload receipts (in PDF format please) to the ticket you have opened and wait for reimbursement.


  1. Only Fedora contributors can request funds or other needs (eg: media/swag production)
  2. FAmNA meetings are held every Tuesday 21:30ET, please participate for the next meeting and get your request approved.


  • No reimbursements for personal purposes (eg: Business cards)
  • Requests from Non-FAms will be directed to local FAms.
  • Don't spend money before your request is approved.
  • All amounts should be in USD (US Dollars)
  • Don't spend more than what you have requested.
  • Once the amount is reimbursed, confirm (closing the ticket with a comment) that you have collected money.
  • Fedora does not feed you.
  • All predictable and large expenses need to be planned in regional budgets prior to a quarter when they happen. Requests filed before a quarterly budget is approved have better chances to get accepted.

Advanced Payments, In some special cases, it may be possible to arrange an advanced payment before receipts submit. If such arrangement is required please bring it to the weekly FAmNA meeting.

Methods of Reimbursements

Prefer method of reimburse is Paypal. Alternative methods can be used, but must be made at the time of approval.