From Fedora Project Wiki
Events and event owners
Date | Event | Location | Owner | Description | Estimated Attendance | Report Link |
January | Lit-OL | Oldenburg | Matthias Runge, Christoph Wickert | 100 | ||
February, 2+3 | FOSDEM | Brussels | Christoph Wickert, TBD | 6000 |
Todo items
- Have we been at Fosscomm Greece in 2012?
- Froscon 2012 is not in the events list
- Did FSF-OSSC take place? Were we there? It's not in the list of events
- FSCons 2012 is not in events list. Who was there?
- Events with talks should not be called FAD, but how do we call them? Ask for ideas on ambassadors and marketing list.
Event budget
We currently calculate a budget of 11.700 EUR for all events
Questions and Todo items
- Premier events budget process (see Budget for this FAD and FAmSCo ticket 296
- FADs should no longer be premier events because the premier events process is broken.
- Ticket should state who approved what when! (link ot meeting minutes)
- Fedora does not feed you -> exception for contributors dinners etc.
- What about cheeting? You can ask 5 different people for USD 499 each and bypass the UDS 2000 limit.
- Even peer approvals need a ticket. Person who approves an expense needs to state that in the ticket (and not the requester).
- Complete budget vs. several tickets: Event owner will request budget for his event. Attendees who need sponsorship need to file their requests in different tickets, because they are approved/denied on an individual base. Individual tickets should block the main event ticket.
- Who is managing the "discretionary spending"?
Swag shipping and management
- Everything should happen in trac, which needs to be improved (halfway done, Christoph, Jiri)
- updating inventory does not work. People receive stuff but don't add it.
- TODO: mail people about left over swag and tell them to reply by mail (Jiri)
Eventbox (content, missing)
- We think that an event box does not make much sense for EMEA, instead:
- give away swag will be sent out from Brno by Jiri
- big/expensive/important goods like banners, laptops etc. will be stored at certain key people who attend a lot of events.
- Big things like banners should remain in one country and not be shipped across borders because this is where it gets expensive.
- TODO: Produce 10 new banners. GeroldKa to get a quote.
- TODO: 10 new table cloth
Swag production & shipping
- Bottle openers
- Jiri and Christoph to get quotes for bottle openers. Go for the cheaper ones.
- 1000 Buttons (Jiri)
- New batch of metal pins, but bigger
- Baloons (Gerold, Jiri)
- Sticky notes, white logo and wordmark (Christoph, Jiri)
- More cheatcubes: updated for systemd, distro-neutral for lvm, selinux, bash, vim (Gerold, Zoltan)
- Soccer/Baseball style shirt (Christoph, Gerold)
- Exclusive polos or dress shirt for contributors. Something classic (Santaftex, Gerolds)
- Jiri ordered Polos for devconf, they were ~ 15 EUR each
- A blue shirt (Jens, Jiri)
- Bicycle cloth, even if it is just a small batch and we have to pay ourselves (Robert)
- Soft shell (Christoph, Gerold)
- Towels, white with stiched logo (Jens, Gerold)
- metal Keychain, just like the FEFE ones (Christoph)
- Pens (Christoph, Jiri)
- Pen set (ball pen and pencil), slightly more exclusive, probably around 5-6 EUR (Gerold)
- all purpose Flyers
- Umbrella
[[1]] still mentions the NPO and needs update: See NA page for example.
- Wiki cleanup for budget related pages: Consolidate
- Reimbursements
- Sponsoring_event_attendees plus local pages
- Budget
- Community_Architecture_expenses
- OSAS page needs love.
- Buy 100 Raspberry Pies plus blue cases with Fedora logo. Have a raffle and give away 10 on each major event.
- Demo laptops for EMEA. AFAIK NA got some used Thinkpads from RH. Ask inode0 about it.
- Standard presentations:
- Introduction to the Fedora Project
- Introduction to Fedora 18 (Fedora X talking points)
- available in the wiki, localized for different languages
- Ambassadors Help (Jiri) or Fedora Ambassadors Handbook
- Ganesai is not in Switzerland but in India
Ambassadors program in EMEA
How to bring new people into the project
- Make them join (at least) one major event
- personal development plan for the first year
- actively recruit people from the local communities (, #fedora-de) and social networks
- country-wide event: Organize anGet all ambassadors of a country together.
- official vs. unofficial communities?
- fragmentation
- TODO: Discounts for RH training
- TODO: Tell Pierros he does not live in Germany
- TODO: Make Hand de Goede an ambassador
- TODO: Henrikas Jurkauskas no full name in FAS
- TODO: Clean up the "other" and "unknown" categories in the country list
Fedora ambassadors census
- How many ambassadors are there in your country?
- How many of them are active?
- How many events did Fedora attend in the last 12 months?
- How much money do you think to need for these events?
- What are your fundings? Do you have sponsors?
- What do you need to run these events (equipment, swag, slides)
- How many local community sites are there?
- Do they work together or are there problems?
Making the census happen
2 people responsible per country:
- Austria: Matthias Summer, Oliver Falk
- Belgium: *Bert Desmet, Gratien Dhaese, vincent van der kussen
- Czech republic: Jiri Eischmann, Jaroslav Reznik
- France: Haïkel Guémar, Kévin Raymond
- Germany: Gerold Kassube, Christoph Wickert
- Greece: Christos Bacharakis, Nikos Roussos
- Hungary: Zoltán Hoppár, Gergely Rákosi
- Israel: Elad Alfassa,
- Italy: Robert Mayr, Gianluca Sforna
- Romania: Iosif Bancioiu
- Russia: Misha Shnurapet, Inna Kabanova
- Spain: Jukka Palander, Alvaro Castillo
- Sweden: Lars Delhage, Göran Uddeborg
- Switzland: Fabian Affolter,
- Turkey: Onuralp SEZER
- UK: Keiran Smith, Paul Mellors
- Cosovo: Ardian Haxha, Gent Thaçi