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Revision as of 16:05, 3 January 2013 by Wwoods (talk | contribs) (Add note about esc-kills-plymouth bug)

Draft Test Case for New Software
This test case is very new and may still have errors. Fedup is also new software and this procedure may change. Please ask questions if anything is not clear and let us know if there are problems


This case is for upgrading using to upgrade the current release (Fedora 41) to the branched release (Fedora 42) using the Fedup CLI.

How to test

  1. Perform an installation of the stable release (e.g. Fedora 41) with default partitioning (no less than 500MB for /boot), selecting the default package set.
  2. Do a full system update and reboot
  3. Install fedup
    • Be sure to get the latest release, this may involve enabling updates-testing (put --enablerepo=updates-testing between yum and install on the command line)
    • 2012-11-22: Make sure you have at least fedup-0.7.1-1.fc17.
  4. Find the URL of the branched TC or RC under test. This URL should be of the form<name>/Fedora/<arch>/os.
    • <name> is the name of the phase under test (Beta, Final etc.)
    • <arch> is the name of the arch running on the install to be upgraded (i386, x86_64 ...)
  5. Start the upgrade prep by executing following command
    • sudo fedup-cli --network 18 --debuglog fedupdebug.log --instrepo <URL>
    • <URL> is the location found in the previous step
  6. Check the fedupdebug.log file if any errors show up in the output from fedup-cli
  7. Reboot the system if fedup-cli has completed without error.
  8. Once the system reboots, there should be a new entry in the GRUB menu titled System Upgrade.
  9. Select the System Upgrade option from the GRUB menu
    • If you want to be able to see progress during the upgrade, append plymouth.splash=fedup to the end of the kernel parameters
  10. The system should boot into the upgrade process and a fedup progress screen should be displayed
    • Do not press any key, otherwise the progress screen will be killed and you will have no information about the process
      • This is RHBZ #873144, which should be fixed in builds containing fedup-dracut-0.7.2 or later. Remove this comment (and the one above) once the bug is confirmed fixed.
  11. Once the upgrade process has completed, the system will reboot and an option to boot Fedora 42 will be on the grub menu
  12. Log in to upgraded system, open a terminal, file browser, or other system applications.

Expected Results

  1. fedup-cli will run to completion, without error
  2. The upgrade process should complete and reboot without user assistance beyond selecting System Upgrade from the GRUB menu
  3. The system should be upgraded to new version without error.
  4. The opened terminal, file browser, or other system applications should display and work correctly.