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Fedora Ambassadors Meeting Minutes 2008-02-13 - EMEA

Meeting Time


This week's Ambassadors Meeting will be lead by FabianAffolter.

  • FrancescoCrippa fcrippa
  • ChitleshGoorah ChitleshGoorah
  • JeroenVanMeeuwen kanarip
  • FabianAffolter fabian_a
  • JoergSimon kital
  • MaxSpevack spevack
  • SandroMathys red_alert
  • RobertScheck rsc
  • ThomasCanniot MrTom
  • MichaelBeckwith tw2113
  • ValentTurkovic valen1
  • DimitrisGlezos glezos

Meeting Protocol


Ambassadors, please update this agenda with your latest items before the meeting has started.

1. News from FAmSCo 1. Report current status of Ambassadors Materials Tracker and Ambassadors Membership Verification 1. Report current status of upcoming Fedora Events in EMEA. See Fedora Events page.

1. Status of the NPO 1. Open floor




  • This part was skipped because there is enough stuff to talk about in the event section.

Ambassadors Membership

  • As of 2008-02-11, 305 Ambassadors have been verified (signed CLA and joined 'ambassadors' group)
  • MaxSpevack want to see more detail about the growth each month, and the regions where that growth is happening. That is the sort of data that is very useful to Fedora Board and Red Hat in securing budget for Ambassadors.
  • The time MaxSpevack spent in Europe last year was very useful for this and the Fedora Project have more money for Ambassadors in general -- all over the world -- because he saw how strong Europe was, and they also know that South America is very strong. Now Greg and MaxSpevack will be focusing much more on those two regions in the coming year than in the past. So it will be up to the local groups -- and also FAMSCO -- to continue to provide folks like MaxSpevack with the data that he need to get budget. This is the draft for collecting data about the Ambassadors Project
  • JeroenVanMeeuwen remember us about that the countrylist has to be updated manually. So that isn't representing the numbers exactly. He recall that FAS has some information about the country for each FAS member so maybe we can check who is where in the 'ambassadors' group using that. MaxSpevack sent in the past 2 days sent email to MikeMcGrath and Toshio asking if they can help pull data like this from the FAS. He think that it is probably very easy for them.
  • ChitleshGoorah was talking about CLA. He have noticed that some contributors (packagers mostly) are using fake names rather than real names. This is mostly a Fedora Advisory Board issue, but its worth that everyone knows this issue so that we can little by little prevent such things. MaxSpevack suggested that ChitleshGoorah send send a mail to f-a-b about that and then they can take care of it (hopefully).


Linux Solution

  • ThomasCanniot told us that Linux Solutions was a great success. We had the chance to received the 100 live CDs the first morning of the event directly on the booth. All the DVDs were sold or given away. They also tried to have contact with Franz Meier, but he was too busy and we missed him.
  • MaxSpevack gave us some further explanations about the budget. He wanted everyone here to understand about budget. At Red Hat March 1st is the date where we get new budget for the year. For Europe, we have several ideas for this budget -- a few big shows like LinuxTag and FOSDEM, probably one big FUDCon somewhere in Europe, etc. But also we have budget -- about $12,000 per quarter, for the entire world -- for smaller shows.
  • So he looked at the Fedora Events page and he realized that Fedora didn't help with Linux Solutions at all for budget. But he want to fix problems like that in the future. He just wanted to let us know -- we will have much more budget starting March 1st, and now that he is not the overall Fedora Leader anymore, he is going to be focusing lots of my time on Ambassadors and events worldwide.
  • MaxSpevack wanted to know if any new contributors signed up at Linux Solutions. ThomasCanniot said that most people came here to know what Fedora is, get a CD, and to make criticism (good or bad) of the Distro, or to have a chat with them.

Red Hat Partner Summit

  • FrancescoCrippa said that there's a "Red Hat Partner Summit" in EMEA this year, very similar to RH Summit (usa) format. He wanted to know if it's possible to get a "Fedora space" into this event. MaxSpevack think that Red Hat is planning *something* in Europe similar to the RH Summit in the USA. And if/when that happens, we will try to have a Fedora event at the same time. And from now on, we will have a FUDCon at every RH Summit, anywhere in the world. Details about "Red Hat Partner Summit"

Lolug Pillole at Lodi (formally "Fedora by Night")

  • Francesco Crippa told us that everything should be ready. He have received DVDs from MaxSpevack some weeks ago. T-Shirts and caps (20 items) from Spreadshirt last week (with local "own" budget) and tomorrow he hope to have Mairin posters printed. They have got at least 3 big online italian newspaper that report news about "fedora by night"
  • ValentTurkovic asked about budgeting. He wanted to know if the budget covers some events that promote fedora but aren't shows. He have a project in mind that would get quite large media coverage in Croatian mainstream media and he would like to present it like Red Hat/Fedora sponsored event. It would be localization marathon - we would get 10-15 contributors to work on translation of Fedora, Gnome and other projects to Croatia. That would be a great way of promoting Fedora as a distribution for education, local groverment, etc... He believe that this would be a really not expensive event. And they would also like to distribute Fedora promo materials on this event that would be 2 days long. We could do this every month... and threy believe that after 2-3 events we would get local companies to cover the budget.
  • MaxSpevack think it sounds very, very interesting. And he would think that DimitrisGlezos, who is our translation and localization king, could probably help you out. He is happy to support an activity like that. He really need to do a longer presentation to all of you about our budget. But there is also money set aside for localization, and for other opportunities that we can't forsee but that come up. For anything specific to the actual *work* around localization, he suggest Valent talk to DimitrisGlezos. For any money needs, MaxSpevack is the guy to talk to.


  • DimitrisGlezos have scheduled a meeting with the mediawiki guys to talk about localization, since we're thinking about having it as our wiki solution. And also he'd really like us to sit down and discuss localization, our tools, community around translations and *everything* around this issue. So he'll make sure to go around and find a slot of 1-2 hours to properly cover everything, so that he'll make sure you have what you need for getting the word out to any local group/language
  • JoergSimon will bring an "older" OLPC from Max and will bring the Posters. The Fedora Ambassador Polos which are ordered and will arrive in time. MaxSpevack is trying to get some new OLPC in time for LinuxTag. ChitleshGoorah will bring a KDE4 on a laptop + FEL applications. DimitrisGlezos will bring a Tux poster 3m high. SandroMathys just got message from the linuxtag organizers that they'll attend FOSDEM (and some other European events in the next some weeks) too...maybe a good chance to clear some things in person where necessary. French people will bring 100 Fedora badges, this is an experimental order from us.

Chemnitzer LinuxTage 2008

OpenExpo 2008 Berne

  • FabianAffolter have already some Live-CD and they will try to resuse the posters from last year. MaxSpevack will help after March 1 if we need any budget.
  • Maybe FabianAffolter will print some flyer to spread away with the Live-CDs.
  • Attendees will be JoergSimon, SandroMathys, FabianAffolter (AndreasRau, TimeaRusz)


  • MaxSpevack noticed that there are lots of EMEA events in Feb, Mar, Apr, May. But after LinuxTag the Events List for Europe drops off a lot. Events after LinuxTag (smaller than FOSDEM and LinuxTag)
  • Rencontres Mondiales du Logiciel Libre (RMLL)
  • Frühjahrsfachgespräch
  • FrOSCon 2008
  • OpenExpo 2008
  • HCC! Dagen 2008
  • Linuxday 2008 (Austria)
  • Linux Day (Italia)


  • JeroenVanMeeuwen sent the latest draft of the NPO statutes to the mailing list, incorporating some of the comments made on the first draft. GeroldKassube indicates that the financial department in Germany still needs to "OK" the first draft and that is just to indicate there are no fundamental problems - nothing official about their answer -. We've set up a page ( ) where you can self-nominate if you would want to run for board and the law requires a minimum of 4 people on the board, and so far 4 people have nominated themselves. Note that amongst those 4 is MaxSpevack, who regretably will not be able to attend FOSDEM and can therefore not be elected Again, that's a requirement by law and not something we made up on the spot.
  • GeroldKassube and JeroenVanMeeuwen have been thinking about postponing the foundation if there is 1) not enough candidates for board, or 2) if the ambassadors think max should be there when it all goes down 3) whatever other reason you can think of. There was a parol "OK" by a German financial department for the first draft (?), but nothing in written form, yet.

Open stage

Next Meeting