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Revision as of 16:29, 24 May 2008 by Ravidiip (talk | contribs) (1 revision(s))

The Fedora Localization Project - Tools and Infrastructure

This an overview of the tools the Fedora Localization Project uses. This is not a complete list.


  • We work in teams, with each team being responsible for a language/region. The central place to list teams is at L10N/Teams , which we try to keep more or less up to date. If your team is not listed there, please add it to the table.
  • Another place to see a list of the teams and the languages Fedora is translated to, is at
  • Every team should have a maintainer/coordinator. This is the contact point for the team, so that someone could say "thanks!" or "can someone from the team fix file X because it's broken?".
  • In the future, they maybe managed directly through the XML files of the l10n website. Maintainers could be members of a special group, cvsl10n-maintainers, to receive automatic notifications of new bugs being opened.


Repository access for translations

  • All translatable modules related to Fedora are listed on, together with the repository they are hosted on.
  • Modules hosted outside require special treatment for sending translations. Either you'd use Transifex , open an account on the system, or open a bug report for the maintainer to commit your translation.

The following is a rough list of the repos that are related to translations. To see which is used for each module, please refer to: This is the main CVS server for Fedora. The accounts are handled by the Fedora Account System; translators are considered all the members of the cvsl10n group. Instructions for joining the Fedora Localization Project can be found on the page L10N/Join . The following three repositories exist in it:
/cvs/docs/ -- Translators have access to the /po/* subdirectories. To translate Documentation, checkout the appropriate module from the docs repository. For more information, refer to DocsProject/Translation .
/cvs/l10n -- Translators have access to the whole repo.
/cvs/pkgs -- Translators have access to the /po/* subdirectories. To submit files, use Transifex . To submit files, use Transifex . To submit files, use Transifex . No direct access for Fedora translators. To submit PO files, open a bug report at
  • Project maintainers who would like to receive translations for their project should provide translators with access on their Version Control System (CVS, SVN, etc).
  • To add a new language, either a Makefile should be edited and the language code should be appended in the appropriate line, or a file called LINGUAS should exist inside the po/ directory, which lists the published languages of the module.
  • CVS automations usually take place, so that translators can checkout a module containing just the po subdirs instead of the whole source code.

CVS of the FLP

The FLP has its own repository, to use it host project-specific resources (like the website, etc).

This repo is different from the repositories that host various software the FLP is translating. To see which translatable module is hosted where, refer to

The project's CVS space is on the l10n repository . Members of the cvsl10n group have access to it.

  • Anonymous checkout:
  • Eponymous checkout: export CVSROOT=:ext:<username> and cvs co <modulename>
  • Update your repository: cvs -z9 up (best done before you start with your translation work)
  • Check your files: msgfmt -c po/<lang>.po
  • Take a look at the status: msgfmt --stat po/<lang>.po
  • Commit your changed files: cvs commit [filename]
  • Add a new file to the CVS: cvs add [filename] then cvs commit [filename]



Mailing list

There are some mailing lists that interest members of the FLP.

  • The main list is fedora-trans-list (archive ), which holds discussions about translations, team coordination, etc.
  • Technical issues are discussed at fedora-i18n-list . If you are interested in more than translations, like eg. our websites, bugzilla, the mailing list, etc, you would want to join this as well.
  • Each team with over 2-3 members should have it's own mailing list. To request this, please open a ticket at fedora infrastructure . If you are to discuss only translations, a name like fedora-trans-XX is appropriate (eg. fedora-trans-de). If you have bigger plans and would like at some point to address also end-users, a name like fedora-XX-list could be considered.

IRC channel

  • #fedora-l10n on Freenode


Commits list

  • We've setup the group 'l10n-commits' for those who'd like to receive emails for commits in the /cvs/l10n/ repo and various other emails.
  • To subscribe, go to your account and add yourself to 'l10n-commits'. Unfortunately the system needs approval, so someone should jump in to approve you, which should happen really soon.